The network needs to get the guns banned and seized and they need it done this year. Now, they have a "liberal" in the White House, and Dems always vote for gun control. This is the year, it would appear, that they go for the guns. They need the population disarmed. Personally, there are far better ways of dealing with oppression than using firearms, but the system knows that the average person will use weapons to defend themselves against savagery and tyranny at the end of the day. They need and want what they have and are doing, in Gaza. Disarm, take away the food, the electricity, and any form of communication; then you can do what you will, which is their credo.
One need only look at the history of China and Russia in the mid 20th century to see how millions upon millions of disarmed citizens were literally erased from this planet. Disarmament precedes savagery. All cowards feel emboldened when they know there is little chance for reaction and response. And as the population seems unwilling to take and use the procedures en masse to stop the darkness sweeping over the western countries. The great tool in our possession is realizing that the people outnumber the devils, 1,000 to 1. All we have to do is quit. Stop participating in the ongoing charade. But, the population has to do it in toto, as was accomplished when Gandhi was alive. Until that time, and as long as humanity thinks in terms of self first, they have us. Over a barrel.
The first wave to come, legislation-wise, is mass gun registration. "Just register your guns, please. That's all we ask."Phase two will be gun confiscation. Under some pretense, as provided for in the small print of the legislation. Then, the homoland security, police state apparatus will swing into gear and start going to those homes and seizing them with swat operations. Doors kicked in and innocent people shot down like animals. For that is how things are done these days.It is coming.
The people who do the shootings are either completely mind-controlled or they are doing it for a kind of satanic sacrifice. You see, in satanic circles, sacrificing your life for the collective good of the network is considered a high thing, praise-worthy even. They are assured that they will soon be taken care of in the next life and will quickly reincarnate in good standing with the network. They know this to be so, because unlike the many uninitiated and unaware, the dimensional realities just out of phase are full of their kind eagerly looking to get back into bodies into better circumstances than which they left. The lower astral plane is full of such souls.