Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What was, will be...What will be, was

By Don Bradley
December 26th, 2008

It’s that time again. 2008 is about finished and we are heading into the next year. As stated last year around this time, ’08 would be the year of destruction, mainly in the financial markets, banking, and industry. Now that these things have occurred, everyone is bemoaning the recession sliding into the depression, which looms over the horizon like the first strains of light at dawn. The bulk of the articles put out by bloggers and the like since summer became autumn are of this ilk: “Woe is us, the sky is falling.”

The economy is dying—by design—and only rich investors are getting paid off. As anyone knows, the economy has little to do with bankers and Wall Street, and everything to do with real and living wages that allows the mainstream population a chance at making purchases to sustain life in our cities. But this information won’t be forthcoming on the evening news. The media is selling the lie that GDP has everything to do with saving rich investors because rich investors ARE the media.

With falling wages and jobs eliminations (ongoing since 1990 by outsourcing) those jobs that are left that have any real future are mostly in the government sector, medicine, and service. Even those are barely enough to keep the engine of commerce running, when unemployment is really running at 14-22%. In some areas, it’s even higher. Couple the above with the reality of retail store closures on a scale of magnitude unheard of since the 1930s and the picture becomes ominous indeed.

And this is Europe, as well as North America. And Japan, and China, and so on…
In short, it’s a global phenomenon, but America stands out as unique as being the one country with which controls the fate of the others, mainly due to the US dollar being the reserve currency of the world. Even that is going to change, in the coming years.

Even though the two-front wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are just meat-grinders for human lives, America and Israel is ramping up for yet a third and fourth war with Iran and Pakistan. Actually, when you look at a map of the Middle East, it’s really ONE BIG WAR, on several different fronts. Everyone expected WWIII to start off with some big flashy continental war, but like WWII, its occurring one country at a time, until the whole continent is in flames; as is happening now. A false flag for either the US or Israel will only accelerate the violence, rather than start it. For it has already begun, and for many years now, as everyone knows. Once enough Islamic countries are embroiled in this expanding theater of death, ancillary countries that are allied to those already under invasion and attack by the western nations will step up to the plate to resist the Axis of Evil’s intentions.

This too, is by design. All of it is. Every bit of it.

You see, when you look at the leadership of the countries being attacked, they are just are black and in the “network” as those leaders who are doing the attacking. It’s just one big scripted drama; only the rank and file citizens are in the dark, being lied to by their respective governments, and being used as cannon fodder for the war machine.

And those deluded souls who wrongly believe that a change in window dressing by Obama is going to change anything are about to get a quick lesson in things like the following

1. A draft. Mainly for poor whites, blacks, and other races of color.
2. A national ID card, complete with biometrics.
3. National gun confiscation.
4. An international depression. Far exceeding anything the Great Depression ever did, mainly because of all the seizures of the various governments by any and all open lands, as was not the case in the 1930s. Surveillance is state of the art these days, also non-existent in the 1930s. Where, after all, are all the lost souls going to go, when they have no job, no food, and no home? Well, Obama—or rather the network—has a plan for that eventuality. Civilian labor force and mandatory military conscription, to fight all those “evil Muslims” over there.

I’ve often wondered why the 2nd false flag in America hadn’t yet occurred. They’ve certainly been ready legally to do what they will, given the destruction of the constitution and civil rights in almost every country since 911, the Madrid train bombings, and other false flags enacted upon the world stage for the simple minded and those still sleeping. The Gestapo, er, I mean Homeland Security has had 7 long years of development and staffing with billions at their disposal to effectively put an iron boot on the neck of the population. I know it’s coming, because I’ve seen it. Many times. Smoking cities, the blacked-out bus windows carrying Americans to nameless camps for “processing.” And over and over again. I’ve always tried to find some visible marker in these “seeings” that would help me identify the time and locale, but to no avail. It had occurred to me a long time ago that it really wouldn’t be one singular event, but rather a series of events, each more devastating than the one before it. Like 911, it was many different events during a single day. These will be similar.

The worst of things is yet to come. In fact, the implosion of the world economy starting this passing year was necessary for the expansion of WWIII to occur, as was the Great Depression, prior to World War II. They need this to convince the billions of souls that they should fight everyone else not like them, the one real sin: That one race, or creed, or religion is better than another. We saw this ploy used with success by every regime in the 20th century and we are seeing again. The west versus the east, the north versus the south, depending upon where you live and your native tongue. Each country is being lied to by its leaders, it’s internal problems and threats to freedom and way of life in danger by someone else—not like them, mind you—“over there.”


This is the truth of things. How it is.

This is Earth. Lessons unlearned; liars and thieves controlling the destinies of the many. Instead of loving our neighbor, we rely upon hate to serve our interests and it’s leading us exactly down the same roads as we’ve been led before, life after life after life.

The ideal set before us: be kind to one another, barely echoes in the hearts of the masses. Instead, its play your neighbor; use them for your personal gain, gain control over them, and seek out power for your own end and increase. We have continuously ignored the divine qualities within ourselves and let the carnal appetites run wild with self-serving egoism and vanity. A simple glance at the magazines and television filled hero worship of plunderers, media whores, and mass-murderers (politicians) contained therein says it all. We worship vanity, power, and money. These have become our gods. And because of it, we are easily fed any lie, any load of nonsense, with which to control our behaviors and directions.

Well then…if that’s what the people want, then they must also want what comes with such a path and life outlook. They must also take what comes with all of the above: dissolution, delusion, and suffering. For that has always been the outcome of any life lived for such carnal realities, whether it be an individual, a nation, or…a planet. If you believe that someone who is a different race is inferior to you, than believe me when I tell you divinity has some surprises in store for you. If you believe money alone will make everything all right, then go ahead and amass all the money you can get your hands on. When it turns to dust, or vanishes like it did for millions of investors this last year, then that false god will finally show itself for what it is and always has been.

Remember this one immutable fact of the corporeal world and this always. Everything is of a time. Everything. Your beauty, your youth, your strength, your money, everything. Circumstances change. For change is the keynote of reality. The only thing that lasts, that you can take with you are those realities involving spirit and your increasing connection with the divine: which, as we already know, is within ourselves, not in some building or outside of ourselves. Connect with the divine within yourself, and you connect with the divine in creation. The two are symbiotic.

For without an inner divine connection that seeks a fuller expression in our lives, we are unable to see it outside of ourselves. And the only way to make such a fuller expression is the take those steps that are the causation of such an increase.
And of course, Love

Increase these qualities and the world will open like an oyster, full of pearls of amazement. All of creation will reveal its glory and its wonder to your eyes, making all the ugliness of wars, depressions, and evil just a minor annoyance. For evil, being in reality an outward and therefore a transitory reality, is of a time, and by the law, will one day pass away. But, you will remain, measure for measure, of all that you put your time and interest in. Certainly, do your mundane realities, as all must, given the nature of life on Earth. See to your responsibilities. While doing so, seek to express the above qualities in your daily and watch the mundane become…wonderful. For it will, in ways beyond imagining. For all of life is here to teach us, reveal to us, and to grow us into wonderful shining souls worthy of every great wonder. It’s up to us to make good on that gift of life, whatever our station and circumstance, and announce to creation: I am here. I will be. I seek love. I will know. I will see. I am.

And life will respond in full, measure for measure.