Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Monday, August 28, 2023
Do not comply: boycott any business that brings any new covid mandates back
They are going for a hail mary. A new fake OMG emergency that is GOING TO KILL US ALL don't you know fake out. Throw a 5G thing, people drop dead, some, and bingo, away they go.
Say no.
All of us together.
Grow a spine.
boycott new covid mandates
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The sniffy dumpster fire wants you to feed him with your children today! |
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Friday, August 25, 2023
trans phreak goes after children
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The nasty slug will be out by next year. |
A drag queen trapped by pedophile hunters who fooled him into believing he was talking to a teenage boy has been jailed for 34 months.
Andrew Way, an LGBT Pride organizer known by the stage name Miss Gin, believed he was talking to a 14-year-old boy in explicit messages online.
Way pretended he was 27 when he began contacting the “boy”, not realizing that a pedophile hunting group was behind the profile.
The 61-year-old, who had appeared on the ITV show Judge Rinder in 2019, was reported to police after the group’s decoy trapped him.
The abomination of more than 40 years sent “highly
sexualised” messages to the decoy over a chat website, Snapchat and
WhatsApp. As they all do. Every Single One of these demonic phreaks preys upon children.
Way, of Wrexham, North Wales, suggested meeting up with the fake 14-year-old to “do it”, and sent images of his genitals.
He had been organising the first-ever LGBT Pride event for Welshpool, Powys, before being caught online and had appeared at Pride events in Cardiff.
Way was already subject to a lifelong sexual harm prevention order at the time of the incident after being convicted at a court in Bristol in November 2007.
He admitted to attempting to engage in sexual communications with a child, as well as breaching his existing sexual harm prevention order, at Caernarfon Crown Court.
Judge Niclas Parry said Way had “utter disregard” for court orders, adding: “These were serious and persistent and different breaches,” he said.
The judge sentenced him to 34 months for all offences – and also warned any future breaches of his new sexual harm prevention order would result in years behind bars.
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Demons want to be accepted by the world
You are living in the middle of a war with the unholy, the ungodly, the damned...the damned.
You must learn this. Know this. Understand this.
You must turn to Christ at once.
Only REAL thing you can do.
We could use your help on the battlefield, you know.
Think about it.
Pray on it.
Do something.
Monday, August 21, 2023
If C40 Cities’ climate aims are carried out, people will die.
Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”
C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.
Media coverage of C40 Cities’ goals has been relatively sparse. The few media personalities and news outlets who have discussed it have been heavily attacked by the corporate “fact-checkers.” In a “fact check” aimed at conservative commentator Glenn Beck, AFP Fact Check claimed that the banning of meat and dairy and limits on air travel and clothing consumption were actually “not policy recommendations.”
AFP quotes a paragraph from the original “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which reads, “This report does not advocate for the wholesale adoption of these more ambitious targets in C40 cities; rather, they are included to provide a set of reference points that cities, and other actors, can reflect on when considering different emission-reduction alternatives and long-term urban visions.”
But this paragraph, likely included in the report as a liability in the case of pushback, seems to directly contradict the meaning of “target,” which in this context can be defined as a “desired goal.” The target of eliminating meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030 is “based on a future vision of resource-efficient production and extensive changes in consumer choices,” the report notes — something its authors clearly hope to bring about. If these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them “ambitious targets.”
The “fact-checker’s” insistence that C40 Cities’ explicitly stated climate goals are somehow insincere is even more unconvincing, given that we are watching them start to unfold right now. This year, in lockstep with C40 Cities’ 2030 aims, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, such as schools and prisons. Meanwhile, the U.K. has banned the sale of new gas-powered vehicles after 2030, and France has banned short-haul flights “to cut carbon emissions.”
In 2020, the World Economic Forum (which promotes C40 Cities on its website) introduced “The Great Reset,” which seeks to use the Covid-19 pandemic as a point from which to launch a global reset of society to supposedly combat climate change. This reset, however, has far more to do with social control than it does with the climate. If globalist leaders truly cared about the environment, they wouldn’t be chartering private jets or owning massive, energy-consuming mansions on the coast in California, which, by climate fanatics’ own calculation, will soon be underwater.
As the WEF plainly stated in a 2016 promotional video, by 2030 “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”
Right now, hedge funds and private billionaires are buying up residential homes and farmland all over the world. At the same time, unrealistic zero-emissions policies are impoverishing Westerners and annihilating the middle class, which is fueling reliance on centralized government. Such intentional steps backward also, ironically, harm the earth because wealthier nations are proven to have cleaner environments and put less strain on natural resources.
Climate activists are also advocating for “climate lockdowns,” in the same way there were Covid lockdowns. Ideas floated for a climate lockdown have ranged from shuttering people in their homes and restricting air travel to providing a Universal Basic Income and introducing a maximum income level.
Climate dystopianism doesn’t end there. WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew Liao has proposed the idea of scientists genetically modify humans to be allergic to meat. Liao has also discussed shrinking the physical size of humans via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources.
All of these policy proposals appear even more unreasonable and illogical when we actually evaluate the data. According to the International Disaster Database, deaths related to extreme heat, floods, storms, and droughts have plummeted as C02 emissions have risen. The fossil fuel economy has provided billions of people with heating, air conditioning, weather warning systems, mass irrigation, and durable buildings.
This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t try to limit carbon emissions. Environmentally friendly nuclear energy, which is safe and more reliable than wind and solar energy, is a great way to wean our society off of our reliance on fossil fuels. The globalist climate activists, however, oppose nuclear energy, further undermining their supposedly good intentions.
Ultimately, the climate coalition’s goals are inherently anti-human. People generally need meat and the protein it provides to flourish. Banning meat and dairy, restricting calories, genetically altering the human body, and impoverishing the masses will hurt the planet and people. More likely than not, it will do more than hurt people — it will kill many of them.
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Genesis 1:7-9
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters
which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the
firmament: and it was so.
Saturday, August 19, 2023
This 2023 Berlin Fashion Show Was All About Mocking Christianity in the Trashiest Way Possible
During the 2023 Berlin Fashion Week, the brand Namilia presented its collection titled “In Loving Memory of My Sugar Daddy”. It was a trashy, blasphemous mess with all kinds of messages that can only be described as degenerate. Here’s how this so-called “rebellious” fashion show is, in fact, perfectly in line with the elite’s sick

Warning: This article contains pictures that are not safe for work.
Namilia is a fashion brand based in Berlin, Germany. Described as “rebellious” and “unapologetic”, Namilia attracted some attention with its “dickinis” and “vulva sleeves”, two pieces of garments that look as stupid as they sound. Through provocative creations, the founders of the brand Nan Li and Emilia Pfohl say they use fashion to “proclaim their beliefs”.
“For us, clothing is not just an aesthetic tool but a visual platform to proclaim our beliefs, conflicts and dreams.”
As we’ll soon see, their “beliefs” apparently revolve around mocking Christianity – which happens to be a staple of Satanism. However, like all Satanists, they will never admit that they are Satanists to the general public. Instead, they explain all of their work with buzzwords such as “feminism”. However, as we’ll see, Namilia’s brand of feminism is actually degrading, highly toxic, and bent on erasing masculinity.
In short, everything about Namilia is in perfect accordance with the agendas of the occult elite. They want us to be faithless, dehumanized, self-hating whores. Probably for this reason, the brand has been experiencing a meteoric rise to success since its inception in 2015. In only a few years, Namilia is featured in major fashion shows, is praised by major outlets such as Vogue magazine and is worn by high-profile celebrities such as Rihanna and Cardi B.

“Influencers” wearing Namilia at the Barbie premier. Most people in the comments found that they did not belong there. But Namilia and Barbie are all part of the same globalist agenda so, in actuality, they do belong there.
While past Namilia creations were certainly provocative, the Spring 2024 fashion show took things to another level by mocking Christianity in the trashiest way possible.
In Loving Memory of My Sugar Daddy
On the third night of Berlin Fashion Week, the Namilia fashion show created a buzz with its new collection titled In Loving Memory of My Sugar Daddy.
The name refers to young women exchanging a sexual relationship with old men for money … until they die. Because, most likely, they were so old. It’s not technically prostitution but it’s in the same realm. That’s the type of “feminism” championed by Namilia.
But that’s not even the real issue. This whole sexual context is mixed with references to Christianity. Is Jesus the “sugar daddy”?
Let’s just look at this mess.

The top says “You can’t enter heaven unless Jesus enters you”. There’s most likely a sick, blasphemous sexual innuendo in there.

This is the back of the outfit above. There’s a crucifix on her butt crack. Sexual innuendo confirmed.

Do they truly love Jesus? Or are they mocking him with the revealing bottom half of the outfit?

The top says “Jesus cums first”. Not “comes first” – the other spelling which refers to ejaculation. That’s the type of filth we’re dealing with here.

The shirt says VIP. Underneath is written “Very Important P*ssy”. Now that’s classy.

Speaking of classy, here’s this outfit. On the top are printed two crucifixes used to hide nipples. There are also the letters “VIP” which, as seen above, do not stand for “Very Important Person”. Finally, demonic nails and a g-string complete this wonderful outfit that can be worn at work or at the gym.

The combination of Christian imagery with highly sexualized bondage accessories is a recurring theme in this fashion show. It’s also Satanic.

Crucifix with BDSM-style spikes. It’s all about blasphemy.
While Namilia is said to be “feminist”, the words printed on their garments are not exactly uplifting. In fact, they are degrading and reek of self-loathing.

Her shirt says “Boner Garage”. That’s rather forward. Why not just put the word “slut” on a top while we’re at it?

They’ve put “slut” on a top.

“Schwein” means “pig” in German. What is it with “feminists” comparing themselves to pigs? This is reminiscent of Demi Lovato’s recent song Swine, where she also compares herself to … swine.

The model looks embarrassed walking around in this outfit. I mean, she’s wearing a deformed crucifix with the words “Cunting Season” on her privates.

There’s a bunch of crucifixes on the top while the bottom says “Trash”.
If you’re like me, the word “degenerate” is probably reverberating in your mind right now. Also, you’ve probably had enough of this. However, I must point out another aspect of this show that is 100% on par with the elite’s twisted agenda: Every single male model in the show was dressed in women’s clothes. In slutty women’s clothes.

Bro, what are you doing with your life?

If there’s one thing the elite hates more than Christianity it’s masculinity.
In Conclusion
While the fashion brand Namilia is said to be “rebellious”, there is actually nothing rebellious about it. Quite the contrary, the fashion show seen above follows in the strictest ways possible the oppressive dogma of the occult elite it is forcefully imposing on the world. It is the global culture they want us all to embrace and, magazines such as Vogue are used to hail these creations as works of art.
However, as stated by the creators of the brand themselves, fashion is merely another tool for propaganda. Through clothing, they are celebrating their true religion: Satanism. Furthermore, they’re on a mission to dehumanize women, feminize men and glorify all that is sick, twisted, degrading, and unnatural.
On a wider scale, it is about creating a generation that hates itself and that has absolutely no self-respect or self-esteem. By printing words such as “slut” and “schwein” (pig) on its shirts, Namilia is not being cool or edgy, it is simply reflecting how the elite perceives the masses. Not only that, they want people to actually believe that’s what they are.
With that being said, there’s another word found on Namilia clothing that actually perfectly defines it: Trash.
Friday, August 18, 2023
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Monday, August 14, 2023
They've got some woman claiming to be Tiffany Gomez but it doesn't look like her at all, recanting all she said and did. Won't matter. This judgment has gone forth, the awakening proceeds apace; they cannot hide or lie about them all.
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Saturday, August 12, 2023
🇺🇸 Hawaii How it started house fire in extremely high wind VIDEO
What I heard. Someone filmed the event from their car, the beginning of the thing. As for what started the house fire, not known yet.
ADL is using software to target you for elimination
They target you because by talking about their jewbie crimes ongoing, wakes others up and they fear that - awakening of others. So they develop and use software to find the awakeners to make them stop doing WATCHMEN WORK, which is from the Bible/Holy Word. Informing the village of incoming danger. I've been doing watchmen work since 1995. It is important work and necessary to forestall evil; if the people will listen to the watchman.
Of course in doing watchmen work, you suffer all the slings and arrows
of the incoming evil, SO YOU CANNOT WARN OTHERS any more.
The poisoned needle - early science research into fake vaccines but really WEAPONS.
Download and read/share this book. It's being removed from the internet.
African invaders robbed train passengers on the Milan-Lecco route armed with machetes - daily normal now
Import African killers, live in a world of african killers. This is why israel doesn't allow immigration.
Friday, August 11, 2023
Best Buy Banning White People
Whites make up 96% of their customer base. Obviously, BB wants and needs to go out of business. To fit the plan of ending commerce in the USA, which is what they want. Which is what they get.
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Minnesota Satanists want the blood for Moloch
Minnesota abortion reporting forms are no longer required to note "whether the abortion resulted in a born alive infant" or "any medical actions taken to preserve the life of the born alive infant."
abies who survive abortions will no longer be counted under a new Minnesota pro-abortion law that is now in effect.
Babies who survive abortion also have fewer rights after the state’s Democratic leaders passed the legislation that lessens the medical care requirements for those infants.
The new law removed a requirement that abortion reporting forms include information on “whether the abortion resulted in a born alive infant,” “any medical actions taken to preserve the life of the born alive infant,” “whether the born alive infant survived” and “the status of the born alive infant, should the infant survive.”
The law also changes the “reasonable measures” requirement to say that “medical personnel” should provide “care for the infant who is born alive.” There is no longer a requirement to “preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.”
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) criticized the change in an Aug. 1 statement.
“Minnesota lawmakers have revoked basic protection for newborn babies, and now the fate of newborns who survive abortion will be hidden from the public,” MCCL Co-Executive Director Cathy Blaeser stated. “Why do lawmakers want to keep us in the dark? This appalling extremism is not what Minnesotans asked for. Our elected officials must restore protection for newborns who are at risk.”
“In recent years, five born-alive infants were reported in 2015, five in 2016, three in 2017, three in 2018, three in 2019, and five in 2021, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. This information will no longer be available,” the group noted.
Democratic Party embraces infanticide
The change in the law is part of a trend of Democratic Party leaders embracing legalized infanticide as an official agenda item.
The use of the ambiguous word “care” reflects the comments by former Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam who infamously appeared to endorse infanticide.
When asked in 2019 about a radical bill that would allow abortions one second before a baby was born, Gov. Northam reflected on his own experience as a pediatrician.
“So, in this particular example, if the mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen: The infant would be delivered; the infant would be kept comfortable; the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desire, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated.
Other Democratic leaders have also taken the official position that abortion should be available through all nine months of pregnancy without any limits at taxpayer expense.
Governor J.B. Pritzker of Illinois signed legislation to allow abortions up until the moment of birth. He also wants this enshrined into the state constitution, as previously reported by LifeSiteNews.
Illinois is the place where then-state senator Barack Obama voted “present” in the state legislature on a bill to require basic care for babies who survived abortions. It is also where nurse and pro-life activist Jill Stanek testified that babies were left to die after “live birth abortions.”
Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, vetoed commonsense legislation that would protect babies who are born alive during abortions.
In her April veto message, the leftist governor claimed the bill was “uniformly opposed by the medical community, and interferes with the relationship between a patient and doctor. It’s simply not the state’s role to make such difficult medical decisions for patients.”
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation in September 2022 that could be interpreted to decriminalize infanticide, according to pro-life experts.
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
CT cops gave out nearly 60K fake traffic tickets to make whites look like bad drivers
CT cops gave out nearly 60K fake traffic tickets to make whites look like bad drivers
We find ourselves in a nation engulfed by utter madness. Even the term “clown word” falls short of capturing the sheer absurdity, and likening it to the “Twilight Zone” seems inadequate as well. The most fitting description for this chaos might be a “progressive hellscape.” This nation is so knee-deep in political, racial, and societal divide, that we can’t even see straight anymore. There’s an almost frantic rush to manufacture instances of “racism,” a sort of supply and demand issue. Democrats appear to require more fear-mongering targeting blacks and more vilification of whites. There’s just not enough to go around, so now, they’re making their own. Many believe that’s precisely what happened in Connecticut, where state troopers issued about 25 thousand false tickets to white people so they could make that group look like worse drivers than blacks and Hispanics.
Connecticut State Police troopers may have falsified tens of thousands of traffic stop records submitted to the state’s racial profiling data reporting program, potentially skewing the numbers to reflect more infractions for white drivers and fewer for Black and Hispanic motorists.
The revelation was made in a report released Wednesday following an investigation last year by Hearst Connecticut Media Group revealing that in 2018 four state troopers had fabricated hundreds of traffic stop tickets for professional gain.
The report was the result of a comprehensive audit by the Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project in the months after the investigation was published.
Auditors reviewed more than 800,000 infractions submitted by 1,301 troopers, stretching from 2014 to 2021. The inquiry showed that the overreporting and underreporting of traffic infractions went far beyond the four troopers first identified by internal affairs investigations and subsequent reporting.
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The kicker here is that in actuality, the false ticket number could be closer to around 60 thousand. The CT Mirror story continues:
The researchers were unable to corroborate 25,966 stops submitted to the racial profiling database while indicating that the number of falsified records could possibly exceed 58,000.
Overreported traffic infractions by state troopers were more likely to involve white-non Hispanic drivers while the underreported violations were more likely to include Black or Hispanic motorists, the report states.
However, before you jump to the conclusion that tens of thousands of law-abiding white drivers could easily take these racist cops to court, think again. Officials are now saying that these traffic stops were simply made up. The CT Mirror story goes on:
In a virtual meeting Wednesday, where members of the Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project shared the report’s findings with their advisory board, State Police Colonel Stavros Mellekas noted that the number of falsified records declined after 2018, following changes within the agency after the internal affairs investigations. He also said that no state resident received a fake ticket. Rather, troopers and constables were making up traffic stops that didn’t happen and making up demographic information for the profiling system.
“The state police back in 2018, the previous administration, they moved in the right direction, took corrective action, identified it themselves,” Mellekas said, adding that those actions came prior to passage of the state’s police accountability law. “As they took corrective action, again, informed these individuals and the whole area that this will not be tolerated going forward. And I think a continued review from our office and your offices will help ensure that.”
Two of the troopers from the initial investigation had received short suspensions, while the other two retired before the conclusion of the inquiry.
Had these officers targeted black drivers in the same way, they’d have likely been swiftly charged with a hate crime and thrown in the clink. However, now, it appears that racial profiling made a comeback. Interestingly, the Democratic member of the investigative unit isn’t ready to use the term “profiling.” Apparently, nearly 60 thousand fraudulent citations aren’t sufficient evidence for him. The CT Mirror piece continues.
During the meeting, Democratic Sen. Gary Winfield, co-chair of the legislature’s Judiciary Committee and a member of the racial profiling project’s advisory board, shared concerns about officials trying to conclude that what happened in 2018 had a significant impact on the numbers.
“We’re still involved in doing the analysis of what happened in 2018, so I don’t think that’s a large enough data set to make that statement,” Winfield said. While state police may be right about the decline, “I’m often concerned about that, because when the public hears those things, when it doesn’t necessarily turn out to be that later, we’ve said something one way or the other.”
This entire investigation centers around one group called Troop E.
The audit comes to light nearly a year after Hearst Connecticut Media Group reported that four state troopers in Montville’s Troop E — Timothy Bentley, Noah Gouveia, Kevin Moore and Daniel Richter — fabricated hundreds of traffic stop tickets for better assignments, pay increases, promotions and specialty vehicles.
While Troop E was the focus of the State Police’s internal investigations, it had the fifth-largest number of overreported records, according to the report.
Moore and Richter received 10-day and two-day suspensions, respectively, after the investigation, while Bentley and Gouveia retired. Richter then retired in 2021. The state’s Division of Criminal Justice has since opened a criminal investigation. The three retired troopers still receive monthly pensions, while Moore is still an active employee.
Under the Alvin W. Penn Racial Profiling Act passed in 1999, police are obligated to record and submit traffic stop data, including the reason for a search, the race, ethnicity and gender of the person stopped, and whether the encounter resulted in an arrest.
It only seems logical that Troops A, B, C, D, and the rest of the alphabet should undergo investigation to uncover who was truly in charge of this racist plot. As for the officers implicated, a tap on the wrist and retirement parties won’t suffice; their pensions should be revoked, and they must be held accountable through legal consequences for perpetrating this reprehensible and racist lie.