Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Tens of thousands of Illegal Immigrants With Envelopes Of Cash Seen At Airport Flying Around US Illegally
Illegal immigrants who can’t speak English with envelopes full of what appears to be cash are flying around the U.S. in yet another shocking indictment of basic border security.
Joe Biden appears to have just waived immigration law without even waiting to sign an executive order to formally dissolve the U.S. border.
This is a clear violation of state and federal law and it needs to be
brought to the attention of judges in order to put an immediate stop
to this illegal activity.
Illegal aliens are receiving envelopes full of cash before they board commercial flights bound for U.S. destinations from South Texas, according to reports.
So, in clear violation of Federal Law, thousands are flying with CASH, NO ID, and FREE TICKETS they did not pay for.
Hey! You try that and it's FIVE YEARS IN PRISON.
Man’s skin ‘peeled off’ in reaction to Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine
Richard Terrell, 74, of Goochland began suffering strange symptoms four days after receiving the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, news station WRIC reported.
“I began to feel a little discomfort in my armpit and then a few days later I began to get an itchy rash, and then after that I began to swell and my skin turned red,” Terrell told the outlet.
But soon the rash covered his entire body, Terrell said.
“It all just happened so fast. My skin peeled off,” Terrell told the outlet.
“It was stinging, burning and itching. Whenever I bent my arms or legs, like the inside of my knee, it was very painful where the skin was swollen and was rubbing against itself,” he continued.
He went to the emergency room at the hospital, where doctors determined that he had experienced an adverse reaction to the vaccine, WRIC reported.
“We ruled out all the viral infections, we ruled out COVID-19 itself, we made sure that his kidneys and liver was okay, and finally we came to the conclusion that it was the vaccine that he had received that was the cause,” Dr. Fnu Nutan told the outlet.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Kamala Harris laughs hysterically when discussing struggling parents who aren’t able to send their kids to school
— Mythinformed MKE (@MythinformedMKE) March 29, 2021
Kamala Harris laughs hysterically at struggling parents who can’t send kids to closed schools.
Kamala has a long list of problems. Her uncontrollable laugh is but one of the reasons she fared so poorly in the Democrat primary. She decides to put it on display in this clip.
This is one of those moments it’s fair to point out Kamala Harris is not a mom. She never raised children let alone tried to balance work and taking care of kids not to mention manage the joke of remote learning. She’s an empty suit in every way—
— Julie Kelly
(@julie_kelly2) March 29, 2021
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A top U.S. border official said on Tuesday he expects more than a million illegals will arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border this year
“We’re already starting to see some higher days of 6,000-plus
apprehensions,” Ortiz said. “So I fully expect our border patrol agents
to encounter over a million people this year.”
MEDICAL SHOCKER: Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer

There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – changes that genetic tests don’t even analyze, flying completely under the radar of oncologists across the globe.
So now, it’s time for independent laboratories that are not vaccine manufacturers (or hired by them) to run diagnostic testing on the Covid vaccine series and find out if these are cancer-driving inoculations that, once the series is complete, will cause cancer tumors in the vaccinated masses who have all rushed out to get the jab out of fear and propaganda influence. Welcome to the world of experimental and dirty vaccines known as mRNA “technology.”
Previously unknown cancer driving messengers are hiding in RNA, not DNA
mind-blowing discovery should be published on every medical news site,
newspaper, television news broadcast and on the CDC website, but unless
you are reading this article and use DuckDuckGo as your search engine, you probably wouldn’t ever see it. That’s because Google is in on the fix,
with Big Pharma and the VIC – the vaccine industrial complex. So here’s
a more in-depth explanation of what we’re looking at, for real,
regarding mRNA and vaccines.
The information carrying molecule, messenger RNA, can instruct human cells ultimately in the same way as cancer drivers, playing a major role in causing cancer to thrive while inactivating natural tumor-suppressing proteins the human body creates to save you from cancer. This is the complete opposite of what the CDC and the vaccine manufactures are telling everyone right now about the Covid vaccines, and this is based on clinical research by molecular biologists at the Sloan Kettering Institute.
Even sequencing the DNA in cancer cells doesn’t reveal these changes, that’s how sneaky the vaccines are. It’s like a Trojan horse that tells your cells to allow these changes to be made, as if they were safe, but they’re not. All assumptions being made about mRNA being ‘safe’ right now have been completely turned 180 degrees with this research. Consider this very carefully if you have not yet been vaccinated with mRNA technology, and you may want to ‘lawyer-up’ if you already got the jabs.
After your Covid vaccination, RNA is transported out of your cell’s nucleus, and will no longer function properly as a cancer tumor suppressor
Bill Gates and the Vaccine Industrial Complex are very sinister, as we all know, but to create vaccines that truncate (disable by cutting short) cancer tumor suppressors, and destroy the human body’s ability to protect against cancer, well, that’s just complete insanity. Truncated tumor-suppressor proteins are similar to the DNA mutations that cause cancer cells to mutate and multiply uncontrollably. Will America see cancer cases skyrocket over the next few years due to Covid vaccines? Only time will tell, but right now, science is revealing that it’s likely. Pay close attention.
Therefore, anyone who is scared to death of the Covid vaccines is pro-science rather than anti-science, because the science shows the mRNA technology is very dangerous, especially concerning proteins that fuel cancer tumors. Let’s say that again: Science shows mRNA technology can fuel cancer tumor growth.
Substantial amount of people with blood cancer have the SAME inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes at the mRNA level
Scientists also discovered that a substantial amount of people with blood cancer, a.k.a. chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), have the same exact inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes at the mRNA level. In fact, the mRNA changes they detected could possibly account for the missing DNA mutations, and that spells out bad news for everyone who thinks the Covid vaccine series is “safe and effective.” It’s effective alright, at suppressing anti-cancer proteins, one might conclude.
Even if just half (partial truncation) mRNA changes in human cells take place, it’s enough to “completely override the function of the normal versions that are present,” according to the Sloan Kettering team of scientists. These changes can also apply to 100 different genes at the same time, so the changes can add up quickly and cause horrific health repercussions. Of course, mainstream media will dismiss any connections made by these discoveries, but they’re paid to regurgitate pharma talk, so that’s not surprising at all.
It is important to note that mRNA changes, according to researchers, are not limited to blood cancer, but have been linked to acute lymphatic cancer and breast cancer. Could this mean we’re looking at a new population control mechanism hidden in messenger RNA?
About 20,000 people in the US develop “CLL” chronic lympthocytic leukemia each year. How many will quietly begin developing it now, and then have it suddenly “show up” five years from now? Symptoms include fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes, and night sweats. Did you get mRNA vaccinated and experience those symptoms already? Are those symptoms on the warning label – the vaccine insert? Did you read them?
There’s only one “treatment” offered right now for CLL by the Pharma Industrial Complex, and that’s stem cell bone marrow transplantation. Oh, but it’s only recommended if your CLL is “likely” to advance. Do your mRNA vaccines now qualify you as “likely” to advance with CLL?
Tune your internet dial to for updates on human challenge trials for people interested in suppressing genes that fight cancer. No wonder Mark Zuckerberg is scared to death about the Covid vaccine.
S.D. Wells
Sources for this article include:
Why try to shame people into sex? Seems a little rapey
Wow...TRM starts off with a stats lie. It should say 100% of straight men do not suck dick. The rest do.
If my sexual orientation is transphobic, another invented word as a cover for being sick, I might as well call their gender identity a mental disorder. Or they could just leave straight people alone.
Interesting that they opted for the "You're gonna suck this dick and you're gonna like it" strategy. That's fascism for you.
I don't want to be told who to like or have sex with. I have never told others who they are allowed to like or have sex with. So...why do they get that right?
Transgenders are straightphobic. There's a new word for you, I just made up. All roads travel in both directions IN REALITY.
“Your sexual orientation may be transphobic” I thought sexual orientation wasn’t a choice.
Their depictions of penises are racist caricatures based on stereotypes.
Every day, just when I think I’ve heard it all, I’m proven wrong. Today: “feminine penis.”
I dare you to take this ideology to the middle east. Go on. Ill wait for your obituaries
Females do not have penises. Trust the science
Females do not have penises. Trust the science
Females do not have penises. Trust the science
Females do not have penises. Trust the science
Females do not have penises. Trust the science
Females do not have penises. Trust the science
Females do not have penises. Trust the science
Hunter Biden blockbuster: Memos detail quiet effort to assist indicted Ukrainian oligarch
At time, his father's administration considered Dmitri Firtash a fugitive felon.
The effort by Hunter Biden and Devon Archer to assist Dmitri Firtash began in spring 2015 when they were contacted by one of the oligarch's associates, and an American lawyer for the oligarch was instructed to provide them an overview of the case, including desires to contact U.S. government officials.
Firtash, one of Ukraine's wealthiest businessmen, already had been indicted by the Obama-Biden administration more than a year earlier on corruption charges in Chicago, allegations that Firtash has long denied. Firtash was challenging extradition to the United States from Austria, where he was living, and was seeking to return to his home country of Ukraine, where the economy and security teetered after a Russian invasion of its Crimean region.
"The case is weak and ultimately, and perhaps as soon as next week, a loser. Moreover, Austria at the highest levels has zero enthusiasm for its continuation," Adam Waldman, an American lawyer for Firtash, emailed Archer on April 21, 2015 in an overview about the case. The email, entitled "6 points," was immediately forwarded to Hunter Biden by Archer.
"The only ask is that an introductory meeting be arranged in Vienna between some designee of the USG and DF," Waldman wrote, apparently referring to Firtash's hopes. "This could then lead to closer communication from him about his intentions and direction in his country."
The email chain was found on a laptop turned over to the FBI by a Delaware computer repairman, who claims Hunter Biden left the device at his shop in 2019 and never picked it up. Waldman confirmed the email's authenticity to Just the News.
By spring 2015, Hunter Biden and Archer had been involved for years in a series of businesses under the umbrellas of Rosemont Capital and Rosemont Seneca and other spinoffs. They also had developed ties in Ukraine after both had been added to the board of the natural gas giant Burisma Holdings, a firm that U.S. officials considered to be corrupt. The younger Biden's father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, oversaw Ukraine policy for the Obama administration at the time.
The emails and text messages indicate that on-and-off effort to assist Firtash stretched through the summer and fall of 2015, with discussions centering on contacting various State Department officials including then-Secretary of State John Kerry (the stepfather of Rosemont partner Christopher Heinz) and then-Deputy Secretary Tony Blinken, now America's top diplomat under President Biden.
The text messages and emails indicate that Hunter Biden's and Archer's primary contact with the Firtash camp was a former Ukrainian government official named Hares Youssef, a lifelong friend of the billionaire oligarch.
In a telephone interview Friday from Europe, Youssef confirmed he asked Hunter Biden and Archer in 2015 to try to assist Firtash and even traveled to Washington DC to meet with the then-vice president's son to discuss the issue, as well as some business opportunities.
"Dmitri Firtash has been my good friend all my life, and I thought if I could involve Hunter and ask him to help maybe we could get the matter resolved," Youssef told Just the News.
A text message between Youssef and Waldman obtained by Just the News indicates Youssef met with Hunter Biden in Washington DC on June 18, 2015. "Just finished meeting with Hunter in Washington," Youssef wrote Waldman in a text message dated that day. "We talked about you. He said very good words abut (cq) you."
Youssef, a Syrian-born emigree to Ukraine who served as a Middle East adviser to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, said the younger Biden made some inquiries and then both he and Archer reported back they could not assist Firtash.
"I asked both of them to help Dmitri. I was looking to find any solution to help my friend," Youssef explained. "Clearly I met with him [Hunter Biden] and he said he cannot do anything."
Waldman worked on Firtash's legal team in the United States and was asked to keep an occasional eye on the Biden-Archer efforts and flag any legal compliance issues, Youssef said. But he did not engage in any lobbying and expressed discomfort with some of the activities, according to the documents and interviews.
At one point, for instance, Waldman warned that Archer and Hunter Biden might trigger "FARA" – the U.S. foreign agent law – with their State Department contacts and therefore might need to register as lobbyists, according to the text messages.
George Mesires, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, did not return a call or email seeking comment on Monday. Archer and his lawyer, Matthew Schwartz of the Boies Schiller Flexner, did not return a call seeking comment.
Youssef said he never paid Hunter Biden or Archer specifically for their assistance on the Firtash matter. Rather, he said, he engaged Hunter Biden and Archer for advice on his personal company, Golden Hearts, which was seeking to build a global digital currency for micro-donations.
Youssef said the younger Biden served as chairman of the World Food Program USA, a nonprofit aligned with the UN, and the two talked about how Golden Hearts' digital currency could be implemented, including creating a robust website to market and deploy it.
Eventually, Archer introduced Youssef to a friend's company called mbloom, and at Archer's request invested $3 million. "I was asking for a good company with IT, and he brought me to mbloom," Youssef said.
Youssef said the decision to invest in mbloom proved fateful: he lost most of the money he invested when the company shuttered in spring 2016 after Archer was indicted and eventually convicted of defrauding a Native American tribe. An appeals court last year upheld the conviction.
Youssef said he only recovered $277,000 of the money and believes he will never recover the rest. "It is probably gone," he told Just the News.
Text messages indicate a large number of heavy-hitting American lawyers were assisting Firtash's efforts to fight the indictment and extradition, including Waldman, former Bill Clinton counsel Lanny Davis, former Bush Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and former Chicago U.S. Attorney Dan Webb.
Hunter Biden's and Archer's effort were kept separate and distinct, with several texts suggesting they might be handled by the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, where Hunter Biden worked part time, or by Archer directly.
"When we met with DF and Devon, we agreed the communication way with Webb," Youssef texted Waldman at one point, apparently referring to efforts to bring Webb, the lead criminal defense attorney, into the loop.
Webb did not return multiple email messages seeking comment.
Occasionally, Youssef would text Waldman with an update on the efforts to reach U.S. officials, including Kerry, Blinken and former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who oversaw Ukraine policy at the State Department.
"Devon will talk directly to J. Kerry about the business interest in Ukraine energy strategy," Youssef texted Waldman in September 2015. Another text that day referred to an intermediary "having lunch" with Nuland where "he will ask her directly if there are any changes about DF."
Waldman's text messages suggest he was not that familiar with Hunter Biden, apparently even unaware the younger Biden was a lawyer, and that Waldman was generally disengaged in the efforts to contact State. But Waldman raised concerns with Youssef on Sept. 15, 2015, that continuing to use Hunter Biden and his business associate, Archer, to contact State officials might boomerang.
"Second thought, I remain concerned that this relationship with sons of leaders firm could become public and strongly recommend caution," Waldman wrote Youssef, questioning whether Archer, Hunter Biden or others involved in the U.S. contacts needed to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
Waldman also raised concern to Youssef that Hunter Biden might not be working with Firtash in his capacity as a lawyer -- and Archer wasn't a lawyer -- eliminating potential attorney-client privilege, the text messages show.
In written answers to questions from Just the News, Waldman said he could not discuss aspects of his representation of Firtash because of attorney-client privilege but confirmed Youssef's account that Hunter Biden and Archer had made efforts to contact the State Department for a period of time in 2015.
Waldman said while he had occasional contacts with Youssef and Archer, he had never communicated with Hunter Biden, though his name came up during discussions.
Archer "told me from time to time that he was having or planning to have meetings with senior State Department officials including Secretary Kerry and with Vice President Joe Biden," Waldman said. "…I recall that he mentioned specifically that his associate, whom I understood to be Hunter Biden, was meeting with Tony Blinken."
Documents obtained by Just the News under the Freedom of Information Act show that Hunter Biden arranged to have a luncheon meeting at the State Department with Blinken on July 22, 2015, though they do not indicate the topic of the meeting.
Hunter Biden had requested the meeting back a couple of months earlier. "I know you are impossibly busy, but would like to get your advice on a couple of things," Hunter Biden wrote Blinken on May 22, 2015.
In private Senate testimony last year, Blinken said the July 2015 meeting was his only one at State with Hunter Biden and the two talked about the loss of Hunter Biden's older brother Beau to cancer. "We talked about his brother, about the effect the passing of his brother was having on the family, the effect it was having on then Vice President Biden," Blinken said. "It was all about the loss the family had suffered and how they were coping with it."
Waldman said he cautioned Youssef that Hunter Biden's and Archer's involvement in the Firtash matter might trigger foreign lobbying laws in the United States and require "necessary public disclosure filings" and that he was suspicious that Hunter Biden or Archer could change State's position on Firtash's indictment.
"What I learned was that the USG's position had not changed towards my client, as some were claiming," Waldman said.
Waldman said at some point the flurry of activity by various teams on the case caught the attention of the FBI. He said he coordinated a response with Webb, Firtash's lead lawyer in the criminal case, and answered agents' questions about roles and responsibilities in the case.
Nearly seven years after Firtash's indictment, the Ukrainian oligarch still has not been extradited to the United States to face trial, a delay that has spanned three American presidencies and raised serious concerns in the courts of Austria and Spain about the U.S. evidence and possible political influence in the criminal process.
The charges allege bribery involving a titanium mine in India – which Firtash denies and which don’t have a direct nexus to any U.S. activity.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Our Spiritual World: The Occult Meaning of Lil Nas X’s “MONTERO” and th...
Our Spiritual World: The Occult Meaning of Lil Nas X’s “MONTERO” and th...: These creatures are NOT human. They are of Satan. Lil Nas X (LNX) rose to worldwide fame with the independently released Old Town Road. In...
8th Grade Star Athlete and Student Shot and Killed by Young Black Male
Her name was Lucia Bremer. She was an 8th grader at Quioccasin Middle School.
Lucia was one of those special girls who was wise beyond her years. She radiated happiness and excelled in sports and academics.
Lucia was loved by everyone who knew her.
She was that perfect all-American girl who had her entire life ahead of her — until around 4:30 pm on Friday afternoon when she was gunned down by a young black male.
Lucia was minding her own business, walking through her subdivision with a friend when she was shot.
Young Lucia was rushed to a local hospital where she later died.
School principal Melanie Phipps had this to say about Lucia:
“Lucia was funny. She loved to tell jokes and made people laugh. She was an amazing public speaker, and you would just listen in awe as she spoke. Lucia was wise beyond her years. Talking to her didn’t feel like talking to a middle schooler. Lucia was exceptional; truly one-of-a-kind. She was brave, hardworking, and kind to everyone. Her smile would light up the entire room. In fact, her mother told me that Lucia’s name means ‘light,’ which is just the perfect way to describe her. She radiated happiness, and she loved our school.” [Richmond Times]
The shooting that claimed Lucia’s young life occurred about 4:30 p.m. Friday outside a home in the 1900 block of Hickoryridge Road in the Gayton Forest West subdivision, near Windingridge Drive and just east of Pump Road.
The shooting led to a temporary lockdown of Godwin, and the school’s home football game Friday was called off.
We know who Lucia is. Her face is everywhere and information about her is all over the internet. However, the young back man who shot and killed her is being “protected” by authorities due to his age.
It’s almost as if Lucia’s story is being ‘whitewashed.”
The media will use race to drive their narrative whenever a white person commits a crime. Lucia’s heart-breaking story is yet another sad reminder of how the media will go to every length imaginable to cover-up the reverse.
When a young white girl, full of hope and promise, is killed by a black man the story details are suddenly hidden and the whole thing is swept under the rug.
Just another day in the Globalist American Empire.
Are Illegal Aliens Receiving COVID-19 Relief Checks? Yes
Millions of immigrants known to be in the U.S. illegally are nonetheless issued Social Security numbers — and given money.
During the debate over the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Senator Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) claimed that “undocumented immigrants do not have Social Security numbers, and they do not qualify for stimulus relief checks, period.” He was wrong on both counts.
Millions of illegal immigrants do have Social Security numbers (SSNs), and they will receive billions of dollars in stimulus money. But leave the money aside for now and consider the more basic problem: The U.S. government has chosen to issue SSNs to millions of people who are not even supposed to be in the country. It’s a clear indication that America is simply not serious about enforcing its immigration laws.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Too cowardly to sue a Muslim baker
The harassment of Jack Phillips continues from the state and its lefty puppeteers. He is a Christian and a cake artisan whom the state of Colorado has tried to force to create a wedding cake for two homosexuals. The courts properly ruled that Colorado violated his rights which are given by God and protected by the Constitution.
by Don Surber
Many have made analogies between the woke "cancel culture" phenomenon and the Chinese Cultural Revolution. I think this is a great analogy, but I think that another, perhaps better, analog has been overlooked, namely the "Disintegration Directive" of the East German Stasi.…
It specified a covert, much more psychological approach to maintaining the Communist monopoly on ideological discourse.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Mass Federalization: How Washington is Bailing Out Failed States, Decapitating Competitive Ones and Ending America As You Knew It
By: Mark Glennon*
An astonishingly sweeping, radical movement to level cities and states is underway, propping up the failures and pounding down those that have been successful. Most everything is being federalized. The role of cities and states as we have known them – as laboratories of democracy – is being eviscerated. It’s being financed by both the United States Treasury and the Federal Reserve bank, which are now joined at the hip in fiscal profligacy.
of it is proceeding under the false labels of pandemic relief and
fiscal stimulus. It’s happening at such a rapid pace that the paper of
record for government overreach, The Washington Post, fears that “the sheer volume of new programs threatens to swamp federal agencies.”
It’s a fundamental and historic remake of America, though its impact hasn’t yet come close to sinking in. Some of the numbers that follow seem beyond belief, but they are real. If claiming that pending legislation will destroy America as you know it seems like exaggeration, read on to see what its supporters say, because it’s their commentary that is most revealing.
The plan to federalize government is already moving and has three parts:
- Flood every unit of local government with federal cash, irrespective of need, while prohibiting tax cuts, thereby bailing out failing states and cities.
- Make that flood of federal money made regular and permanent.
- Annul or override state laws that make certain states competitive, thereby eliminating their competitive advantages, and federalize elections to make it all permanent.
Let’s go through each.
Flood every unit of local government with federal cash, irrespective of need, while prohibiting tax cuts, thereby bailing out failing states and cities:
Start with the recently signed ARP, the American Rescue Plan. Its scope is under-reported and the public is unaware. Having been routinely styled as coronavirus relief or economic stimulus, it’s perhaps the most blatant bait-and-switch in American history.
Wages and salaries during for the first ten months of the pandemic dropped by only 3.4% from the same period in the red-hot economy we had before then, or $276 billion in lost wages. That’s from former U.S. Director of the Office of Management and Budget David Stockman. Same for the hit to Gross Domestic Product, which also dropped by the same percentage, a reduction of about $775 billion.
But ARP together with federal money already delivered is about $6 trillion! Even if you want to count everything, the bailout total is 7.7x the size of the problem, wrote Stockman.
Don’t think that might ease your state and local tax burden. The downpour of cash on cities and states, most of which don’t need it, is all tied to a provision in ARP that bans tax cuts. It’s a mandate for statism – big government – whether states with small government philosophies like it or not.
“Thou shalt be statists and big spenders,” that’s what ARP might as well say as a direct federal mandate.
Most of ARP commentary about cities and states has wrongly focused only on the $350 billion that will go directly to them. That’s a small part and entirely misses the bigger picture.
Illinois is an example. Its share of that $350 billion is $13.2 billion. But what’s the true amount that will come to Illinois under ARP?
Start with over $25 billion Illinois Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth proudly announced in a press release. Aside from the $13.2 billion for state and local governments, there’s $5 billion for Illinois K-12 schools, $1.3 billion for higher education, $1.3 billion for child care, $1.5 billion for Chicago area transit agencies, $1.5 billion for Illinois public health, and much more. It goes beyond what even Durbin and Duckworth described.
None of that includes the the cash handouts coming in the mail soon, which are still more costly. Payments up to $1,400 for adults and any dependent are on the way, subject only to very high income limits. Only households with earnings of more than $80,000 for single filers, $120,000 for head of households and $160,000 for married filing jointly will not receive any payment.
Add it all up and you have more spending on “COVID relief” than America spent to win World War II, inflation adjusted.
And it’s not a one-year effort.
Make the flood of federal money regular and permanent.
Most of the flood of federal cash, supporters expect, will continue permanently. Look at what the left’s pundits say:
- Vox laid out the game plan here for making the federal expansion permanent, and expanding it to include, for example, making housing an entitlement.
- From New York Magazine:
For now, these changes to the [child tax credit] are set to expire after a single year. But Democratic leaders intend to make the program permanent. (The apparent strategic logic of making it temporary goes like this: Making the child allowance permanent in the relief bill would have pushed its price tag above $2 trillion, thereby endangering moderate support. But once moderates are faced with a choice between voting for an expensive extension of the policy and allowing every family in America to simultaneously see their disposable income shrink right before a midterm election, they will rally behind “big government.”) The Democrats’ fiscal philosophy is now apparently “There is nothing to fear but fear of deficits itself.”
- The New York Times’ David Brooks:
Black farmers will receive over $4 billion in what looks like a step toward reparations. There’s a huge expansion of health insurance subsidies. Many of these changes, like the child tax credit, may well become permanent. This moment is like 1981, the dawn of the Reagan Revolution, except in reverse. It’s not just that government is heading in a new direction, it’s that the whole paradigm of the role of government in American life is shifting.
- “It is a baby step toward universal basic income, or guaranteed income,” says the Brookings Institute. “The significance of this moment in U.S. social policy is hard to overstate.”
- Politico says that “a radical change in the social fabric of the United States has become a reality – and with it, an opportunity for the Democratic Party no one could have imagined 50 days ago.”
- Prospect is most direct. “Federalize it, Joe Biden,” says its headline. “Education too. Federalizing social programs would be a huge step toward expanding the welfare state and ending poverty permanently. If passage of further legislative packages proves even more difficult, as Republican opposition increases and the Senate’s Democratic moderates dig in their heels, it would be an easy step to protect the gains of the ARP and secure Biden’s presidential legacy from the get-go.”
Yup, K-12 education, higher education, welfare programs, reparations and more – it’s all to be federalized and made permanent, subject to federal rules. Those changes include ending work requirements for welfare that were added by the Clinton Administration.
Based only on the things Democrats have said they want to make permanent, the total cost of ARP would, over ten years, reach $4.1 trillion with interest, according to the Committee for a Responsible Budget.
Bailing out public pensions would add more to the bill, and that’s in the cards, too. ARP includes $86 billion to rescue private sector multi-employer retirement funds with no demands for reform and, as a Wall Street Journal editorial put it, “This is the first of many such air-drops to come.”
Annul or override state laws that make certain states competitive, thereby eliminating their competitive advantages, and federalize elections to make it all permanent.
Here is where the ban on tax cuts comes in. Keep taxing and spending as you have been – that’s the universal mandate under ARP – then also spend the cash the federal government is dropping like manna from heaven. Today’s well-run states will thereby loose much of their competitive advantage.
Additional pending federal legislation specifically aims to deprive thriving states of what has given them comparatively advantage.
First, there’s the what the Wall Street Journal called the most radical pro-union labor bill since the 1935, which would erase right-to-work laws in 27 states.
A federal gun control law has already passed the House.
Finally, and most importantly, there’s perhaps the most pernicious bill proposed in modern history: H.R. 1, the “For the People Act.”
It would strip state governments and local election boards of power to run our elections, federalizing the election process. It would mandate same-day and automatic voter registration, and encourage vote trafficking of absentee ballots. It would be the end of voter ID laws and restrict efforts to verify voter registration lists. It would create a public funding program for candidates running for Congress. It would put new regulations on political speech and activity, by activists, candidates, civic groups, corporations and nonprofit organizations. Membership in organizations the left doesn’t like would be disclosed, leading to harassment and intimidation.
The average American is no doubt unaware of how extreme all of this is, and how quickly it is moving. Polls say support for ARP is very high, probably because people are aware of little more than the checks now on their way to them. They’ve been bribed with their own money, never considering that they and their children will have to repay most of it.
Pouring gasoline on that fire is the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. Treasury’s partner in profligacy. It will create out of thin air some, but not all, of the funds needed to federalize so much, though the long-term consequences are unknown. They’ve embarked on the biggest monetary experiment in American history.
Henry Kaufman is a venerable voice from the past on fiscal and monetary issues. He concludes a soon-to-be released book with this, as reported by Barron’s:
With the federal government and the Fed firmly joined at the hip, the transformation of capitalism into statism is gaining momentum, perhaps irreversibly. Not only is this a great departure from the vision of America’s founders, I suspect it is also not the kind of economic system most Americans living today want to leave for future generations.
How can that switch to statism be happening with so little public attention?
Conservatives and Republicans in Congress bear part of the blame. They haven’t been getting dire warnings out as aggressively as they should. They also bear partial blame for earlier relief measures, parts of which were overbroad, poorly targeted and riddled with fraud, which formed part of the federalization. Politico is right when it said “Republicans…never bothered to train the full fury of their fire at a series of provisions that took the nation several steps down the road to social democracy.”
If they have any excuse, maybe it’s because they have been caught flat-footed. Who could have thought that anything so extreme could be attempted by leftists who hold so thin a majority in Congress?
We are stunned, too. At Wirepoints, we’ve long heard second-hand that many Illinois politicians who ignore the state’s pension crisis say, in private, that they expected the problem to be eventually federalized – that was the term we heard they used. We knew that attempt was coming but we never suspected that a plan so drastic, to federalize so much, would ever be considered.
Make no mistake about the historical gravity of what is taking place. States as the laboratories of democracy are being shut down and replaced with a national juggernaut more overbearing than most Americans have ever imagined.
It was Justice Louis D. Brandeis in 1932 who famously described the virtue of our system. “It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country,” he wrote. “To stay experimentation in things social and economic is a grave responsibility. Denial of the right to experiment may be fraught with serious consequences to the nation.”
Destruction of that right is precisely what is happening.
Wake up, America. At all cost, this movement must be stopped and, insofar as it has already succeeded, it must be reversed.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Cuomo the killer promotes Mark of the beast
Remember when we were told "it's just two weeks" and then "the
government would never do that, or that, or this, or that other thing,
or that"?
And now it's been over a year and we still wear masks,
still can't go to movies or sports games, still can't fly to most
countries, still can't go to work in most places, still can't open a
business, still can't go on dates, and still can't have a holiday
When do we say "no"
Citizens Free Press...not so free after all, as a press
Yesterday, I put the following post in the very long thread about the left pushing a communist agenda and all that and climate activists who burn, loot, and destroy.
It's communism. They MUST destroy our land and rebuild it in the image of China. That's what this is really all about.
it happens, satanists want what the commies want - a destroyed
Christian country to rebuild, ala Phoenix, in the image of Lucifer,
which is also communism.
It's why they work together, to push this over.
The above was deleted. FOUR TIMES.
Then I posted it again and asked
What is it about this post, the commies or the satanists?
Deleted again.
Then banned.
I guess the BOLD TRUTH OF THE MATTER is not allowed. Too bad too, it was one of the sites I went to to get a lead on news items, though not the only, thankfully.
Planned Parenthood ‘illegally’ took $83 million in coronavirus stimulus
Fed up with Planned Parenthood affiliates continuing to receive coronavirus stimulus money “illegally,” several Senate Republicans, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, are demanding an investigation into why the Small Business Administration continues to write checks to the outfit.
In a letter to SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman, 25 GOP senators said that the affiliates have received $83 million and apparently continue to get money through the Paycheck Protection Program when the rules state they are ineligible.
What’s more, it said that the SBA is providing PPP money even after telling Planned Parenthood affiliates that they were not eligible for the money and demanded that it be returned. Only 7 of 38 affiliates have complied.
“It is unconscionable that SBA continues to approve PPP loans made to organizations which are clearly ineligible for funding,” read the letter about the money going to the women’s health and abortion clinics. “This is unacceptable,” it added in calling for an investigation into why the money continues to be provided.
Hunter Biden’s Texts Confirm Gun Was Taken, Left in Dumpster – ‘Police, FBI, Secret Service Came on Scene’.
Today The National Pulse is publishing a full, unedited, long text message from Hunter Biden, son of the President of the United States, wherein Biden appears to admit the recent stories about his gun being taken and left in a dumpster near a school.
The following, near-2500 word text message, is between Hunter Biden and Hallie (his brother Beau’s widow) Biden’s sister Liz. We have highlighted the key parts as they related to alleged criminality and the latest stories in the news. We have not edited the text. We have confirmed the phone numbers belong to Hunter Biden and Liz Secundy.
Read Hunter’s message from 29th January 2019:
Everything I say below is verifiably true. I left out anything that cant be confirmed by a text an email a recording a phone record a voice mail. Ive left out a lot. I love Hallie and cant seem to escape her. May be she tis truly in aware of how abused and trapped I feel by her. She tells everyone she loves me. I believe her concern for my life. I think she does love me in her way. Why does all of it matter to me. What does any of it have to with m y health. Why do I need another person to hear this and Hallie to know . I do because Ive felt so much for anyone. Ive never given up so much for another. No matter what she does or denies or fails to do I crawl back to her and beg for her to just love me. I need to know why she has this power over me. And I need for her to tell me why she so easily in the worst time in my life has been so cruel and continues to be. Why do I love the person who has done all of below and more. If this is all in my mind ands she really hasnʼt said or done these things (which I have records of) then I am insane. Insane for leaving the most intense love Iʼve ever felt and flat out hallucinating for 3 years now. Part of me hopes and prays it is all in my head then I can be fixed andre can be together. I have said mean and horrible things to Hallie. Ive been with woman and admitted that. Im an addict. Im loud and brash and difficult. But ‘im loyal to a fault. And so confused. Im trapped clean or dirty sober or not. Maybe e thats the delusion, but tell me what Iʼve done to deserve this and how I can ever just let it all go. Its made me in the eyes of most everyone I know a person I no longer recognize nor trust. I have never blamed hallie for not being able to get sober- because I have bin fact gotten sober and stayed sober far longer then she ever has. I need to know why.
Hallie makes me so sad and insecure she confirms every deepest insecurity Iʼve ever had is real and she picks at them with malice aforethought. She is secretive and deceitful and lives at least three lives behind the one she shows most and they that all contradict public face. She cherishes the chameleon in her- she even wrote a defense of the chameleon personality in an online blog. Ive seen all her sides and accept all of them love al of her. But even though weʼve had deep discussions about the true Hallie she will deny they exist when I point it out.
She tells me Iʼm a failure but she will always love me that she canʼt control the fact that all my friends have always thought of me as a joke and the clown that beau took care of. She flat out says these things to me and not always in anger sometimes justas an aside. She and David called me Johnny Drama in the months following Beauʼs death when I was sober post inpatient and in IOP. The looser brother always following along behind his super star brother picking up the crumbs he left on the floor. Johnny Drama the big talking lovable embarrassment that was selfish and stupid but loyal. They came up with that when they were lying to me about being out or in together for whatever reason I still donʼt know- or maybe do but canʼt face.
She has never in my presence in public said a kind word or praised me when praise seemed due and the lack of hot seemed to say the opposite. She has never defended me and her silence in the face of others demeaning me is of course complicity.
She has made my friends hers at my expense. She has kept me from whatever secret relationships she has formed with each of them. She excludes me from the lives of nat and hunt and tells nat and hunt Iʼm abandoning them. She confides in the people especially my monad sister things about me that she knows and iʼve directly asked for her not to confide. She says I need your touch. She never says I need your love. She says I am her addiction and that Beau was her love (to everyone). She implies that I introduced her to drugs and that I created the addict she is today. She says I donʼt work that if I made money Iʼd be happier. She says that she doesnʼt really believe that I was sober for 8 years that in fact Iʼve never really been sober.
She told me that in fact she and beau would laugh about my stupid antics behind my back. That my brother didnʼt really think as highly of me as I thought he did. And once (exacts words) “Well you were always disappointing him.” She tells me that Iʼm not really generous- in fact I use money to control people and then I shame them and hold it over their heads to control them.
She has told people that I was sexually inappropriate with Natalie and thatʼs why I wasnʼt allowed in the house. She my MY THERAPIST that when in was clean and she dad a breakdown and left me for 4 days and wouldnʼt even pick up her phone. Nm y therapist told me she had been traumatized by what Hallie said. Hallie say sshe did not. Letʼs call my therapist and ask for my own piece of mind. She has told me that she wonʼt defend me she wont support me she wont allow me to interfere with her children and her life because in her exact words their is “NO USʼ”- you do you iʼll do me.
She has repeatedly made me feel sexually inadequate in comparison to the men she has been with before me. And then tells me all she needs me from me is sex. She has shown me pictures of the escort she planned to see. She has implied that she and her girlfriends were romantically involved behind my back. She has told people so many lies about me. She has been my single biggest detractor privately and publicly.
She goes as far as to say that she wont tell me what she does in any given day. I do not really know in any way any one of her friends. She has never except once included me with her friends.
She planned well in advance and executed a move from Annapolis to Delaware with the kids from OUR home without telling me in secret and even got a job all while acting as if when I got clean we would be together. Knowing the worst place in the world for me was Delaware. She has told people iʼve ruined her credit and taken money from her (Hallie owes me $440,000- at least just from Amex— I had an accountant here go through every Amex Statement and every wire transfer ive made or recieved). I wouldnʼt t care except thats the rumor she started that went all the way from her lips to the club to a random bar and an acquaintance 3 times removed – he heard that Hunter had spent all hallies money and… That does not include the over $350K I have given Liz her sister. She has implied that Liz and I are sleeping together. She has told people that I constantly and obsessively invade her privacy going through photos and phone bills etc… she forgets that she was the first to do that – I had no secrets and when she found a picture if Briana a woman I introduced her to the same moment I first met he over the phone and Iʼve never when confronted lied to her about anyone. She has more photos of screen shots of my phone in her photos than anything else. She has promised me that if I came home she would stop and the moment I fall asleep she has taken my keys and phones and gone through everything.She has secret photo vaults desguised as other apps on her phone and text apps meant for people in affairs. She stole the gun out of my truck lock box and threw in a garbage can full to the top at Jansens. Then told me it was my problem to deal with. Then when the police the FBI the secret service came on the scene she said she took it from me because she was scared I would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem and our volatile relationship and that she was afraid for the kids.
Really not joking the cop kept me convinced that Hallie was implying she was scared of me. i told her about everything I did or have done she insists she has done nothing even in the face of receipts and phone records and location historyʼs. She has lied flat out about things that are simply fact. She has told me Iʼm crazy and and a crack addict and everything I think or do is delusional and insane. She tells people that every time she tries to be nice and speak to me that im angry and hurtful when the one thing Iʼm angry or hurt by is her ignoring me and shunning me. She has told her children and her family Iʼm broke and have no money and living off her. She has told my dad that if he helps me (tuitions) iʼll just use the money for drugs.
Hallie told me privately that she turned to me in the hospital during a critical need for a decision (when beau had his first stroke) and to no one else because she knew beau wanted me making those decisions for him. when I told that to a group of people at a small party explaining how I feel so madly in love with her acknowledging the bond Beau and I had. She laughed and said “no I did not think that – he would have wanted your dad of course but he was so out of his mind, and
I was sobbing and confused, you were the only other person in the room.” Her exact words.
She told me I donʼt deserve anyones respect even sober I have a lot of work to do to think I deserve respect from anyone especially her. She says I ran away from my friends and that I embarrass them and thats why they dont respect me. Truth is I chose her and not many were comfortable with that. I chose her over my children, over my family over my friends over my heart my money my time over everything. Hallie has never once not one time chosen me. Ive asked her a thousand times just name one single thing you have done for me that is totally selfless. She cannot name one thing…for real…I cant either.
I have not been “allowed” to live with the kids for over a year now. She has told them i abandoned them. She has told them others I am a bad influence that I endanger their health that Iʼve been sexually inappropriate with Natalie that I have physically abused her that I have e emotionally abused her that I am abusive to everyone around me and that she knows that If Natalie were allowed to come visit me I would be “walking around naked watching porn masturbating and doing drugs in front of her”. NATALIE IS NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO VISIT me if Naomi my 25 yer old brings her she is only allowed alone with me if my father is there. How devastating is that, how completely and utterly demoralized ashamed do you think the makes me feel. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE WHOLE MY WORLD believes im an unfit uncle and cant be trusted alone my children. Even with Naomi or her sister liz present. What permanent sir do you think Natalie now carries. I know I will never be the same again. And the fact is that Hallie as an addict put those children in awful positions they begged for me to come to them keep them safe. Hallie now home in Delaware having had her wild time proves too everyone I am the man not safe around children.. Hallie says that my fault and has nothing to do with her. How do I not simply hate for that. The one thing I know I am is a better father and uncle then anyone I know. She has made sure the opposite is on fact what everyone I know sees now.
She has told me we would address my concerns in therapy when ‘Iʼm sober. Iʼve been sober NOW she says not until Iʼm more sober. She said if Iʼm clean she would start to share now Iʼm clean and she says she wont share nor support me because Iʼm an asshole and I need to go away for 30 days if her support isnʼt enough. Iʼm 16 days sober but clearly I need inpatient before she will be in any way supportive. The only support I asked for was for her to just include me in her day and tell me she loves me no matter what. For her to return my obvious need and desire for her sexual desire that she shares with others so freely.
Last I was home I told her I will go to rehab inpatient I needed the down payment and former to drive- she hung up on me. I called and called asd she ignored me.
Then an hour later she said iʼll only take you to Caron or Father Ashley (two places she knows ive said I will never go back to). I wanted to go to a place closer well respected and less expensive. She said no only Caron now. 10 hours later she said she would but that I need to have my dad pay sheʼs not giving me “any more money.” I had no money at all to check in. She has never been in rehab longer than 10 days. Her respect her love her partnership her allowing me access to children all depend not just my sobriety they depend upon my sobriety only achieved her narrow way the way most uncomfortable to me.
I cant keep going its to painful.