Monday, October 26, 2020

Biden Vote Fraud Ring exposed in Texas


 Biden brags about their extensive voter fraud organization and already, many demonrat operatives are vote buying and harvesting in every single county in the USA. Let that sink in.

 “As we view the achievements of aggregated capital, we discover the existence of trusts, combinations, and monopolies, while the citizen is struggling far in the rear or is trampled to death beneath an iron heel.

Corporations, which should be the carefully constrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters.” - Grover Cleveland, State of the Union 1885--1888

All these voters...but the handwriting is ALL in the same handwriting. ALL FOR DEMOCRATS.

An entire room in the above clip of DEMOCRAT OPERATIVES pre-filling out republican vote ballots and stuffing envelopes. CAUGHT RED HANDED. No arrests, the operation, run out of Idaho, still runs daily. Every hour, hundreds of TRUMP ballots are being changed over. 

I need help in exposing this stuff. Donnie can't do all by his onesy, you know.

Here's the problem though we keep finding examples of leftist voter fraud, specifically Biden camp.

But they always act like they're outlier bad actors and it ends there.

They even have video and photos entered into the state law enforcement database as evidence showing thousands of Fake IDs being used for illegal voting


It never goes up to the top with a "why is so much voter fraud favoring your campaign?" type of motivation to stop a malicious party with criminal activity.

Basically Biden’s Texas Political Director was caught ballot harvesting and filling out ballots by the thousands with other counties being complicit in a large conspiracy (in the legal statute sense).

To make matters worse it’s happening all around the country

Dems control through fraud.


Okay so now it's pretty clear that Biden and co. knows they won't win the election and are trying to steal it. So what happens if they actually succeed but it becomes common knowledge they cheated? 

This will likely have a PLANNED bad end, for us all. I am certain they have planned for every outcome, so it lands how they want it to land. Against us and for the satanists.

This is the big moment in our lives when choices matter.

If American freedom and justice lovers haven't clued on to this after Mueller gate, Hillary gate, Fast and Furious etc -- ELITES DON'T GO DOWN NEVER EVER EVER SHOCKING I KNOW.

Ilhan Omar was caught red handed by project veritas and somehow she's not arrested yet.

Nimrod is back. Already, the devils are putting his visage in art (see above), all over the place. They are foreshadowing his appearance on the world stage.


The FBI won't help. They are protecting the devils.