Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world.
Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11
Join me and let's follow that high road...
This was the "Last
straw" for a lot of people. NASCAR inexplicably raised the highest
possible national-emergency alarm about this, without even a moments
hesitation, involved their entire catalog of drivers past and present,
blitzkrieged social media about it, and had a ceremonial >"Push Bubbas car to the front of the pack" at the 'race' in Talladega last week. It was a total-war SJW scenario for them, they pulled zero stops.
This blew up in their face so bad people will study this in the future
Every Single One of these High Profile racism against the black man by mean old whitey has again, turned out to be a hoax stage by the alleged victim. Ala Jussie Smolett. From 'conspiracy theory' to 'fact'... A 'noose' which was 'found hanging in NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace's garage' turns out to be a garage pull which has been there since October, 2019 - while Wallace was assigned that garage last week, according to the FBI.
why do they think we won't find out the truth?
Of course, the outrage mob - including LeBron James - whipped up racial division over the non-incident in a tweet which has received 66,000 'likes,' while the hashtag #iStandWithBubba trended on Twitter.
"On Monday, fifteen FBI special agents conducted numerous interviews
regarding the situation at Talladega Superspeedway," reads an FBI
statement. "After a thorough review of the facts and evidence surrounding this event, we have concluded that no federal crime was committed." "Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week."
BREAKING: FBI concludes no federal
crime was committed in Bubba Wallace noose investigation. It had been in
the garage since October 2019
On Tuesday, Wallace went on The View and called Wallace dismissed what the New York Post framed as 'conspiracy theories' over the noose incident being staged, or never happening. The day before, Wallace told Fox Sports reporter Jamie Little "Sorry I’m not wearing my mask, but I wanted to show whoever it was that you’re not going to take away my smile." So - to all you Talladega facilities managers, you didn't take away Bubba's smile. As the outrage mob frothed over yet another fake noose incident,
cooler heads began to circulate the 'garage pull' evidence - long before
the FBI cracked the case mind you.
6) And finally here's the
side-by-side that shows the manual garage door pull hand loop in place
[Nov '19] and the hand loop (purposefully identified as a "noose")
missing or cut-off [June 22, 2020]
* * *
think we all knew this was going to be the outcome. How many 'fake
noose' incidents get filed every single year? Every damn one of them
turn out to be a hoax. But you can bet your sweet *** that you won't
see this news on CNN or MSNBC or NYT. They will just move on to the
next hoax. * * *
Another attention whore. I guess NASCAR is OK with a lying, piece of **** driver?
* * * His mother is on record saying other NASCAR drivers have called
Bubba the "n" word. This is going to make him especially popular, as if
banning the Confederate flag wasn't enough. The lying cunt. * * * Another lying No-good Idiot Gruesome Grimy Evil Racist. * * *
All the polls say Biden is leading Trump. Do you really believe that? Apparently Joe could only get 6 people at his rally. TV cameras kept away so as not to embarrass their pedophile pick. If Joe is put in the office, it's not because of him, but the BLACK WOMAN VP pick that will take his place, once he is inaugurated and then heart-attacked. That's what's really happening here. Michelle Obama? Hildebeast V2.0? So other black tranny nephilim pick? with slits of a demonic snake they are?
Well it’s just stupid, all the oven dodgers are claiming Trump somehow failed because only thousands of people showed up.
their preferred pedophile can only pull 6 people. Pedo Joe’s just super
low energy and it’s funny to see our Jewish media carry water for him.
Despite his many bribery scandals alone.
Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog, Currently, we’re living in an upside-down and backward
world where the minority of people hold all the microphones,
successfully shouting over a potential majority of people who don’t like
the way things are going. I truly believe that most Americans don’t hate their neighbors, don’t
indulge in cruelty for the sake of cruelty, don’t indulge in cruel
behavior toward those of other races than their own, and just want to
live their lives with what happiness they can find. This is not to say
that racism does not exist – it does and I’ve seen it in action. It also
isn’t to say that there aren’t extremists who wallow in hatred – there
are and on all fringes of the political spectrum.
The trouble happens when one of those fringes tries to silence everybody else. And it’s working.
How big independent sites are being silenced
Take the recent threats against ten websites in the United States,
all of whom a new website in the UK is trying to get “defunded.”
We call on brands advertising on Fake News sites to stop funding Fake
News. To be honest, I was very hesitant to write this article, because
I, too, am dependent on ad platforms that go through Google. But too
many people are silent while others are silenced so here goes. Stop Funding Fake News was set up in 2019 by people who were concerned about the rapid rise in Fake News. Since we launched, we’ve seen one of our target fake news sites
completely shut down, and the capacity of several others reduce
significantly as a result of us damaging their ability to raise revenue. We are pro-truth, pro-balance and pro-responsible news. We invite
brands and people to consider whether they want their adverts to appear
next to hate and untruths. (source)
Here’s a list of the sites that SSFN considers “racist.” Whether they are or not isn’t the purview of this article. You’ll note a common thread on the list of articles that SSFN deems
offensive. It seems that only one point of view, as opposed to the
balance they say they’re looking for, is acceptable in the eyes of SSFN
and anything else must be piled on the pyre of all the virtual books being burned.
Demonetization or silence
Zero Hedge, probably the most popular and powerful alternative news site out there, was completely defunded by Google. Here’s what Zero Hedge had to say about the issue. You see, the way it works is this. Ad networks bid on advertisements
and based on statistics available through Google, these ads are placed
on websites that contract with the ad networks. This is how my site and
many other high-volume websites get the bulk of their advertising
revenue. Keep in mind it’s pretty expensive to run a smaller site like mine, so I can only imagine the cost of running a far bigger site. Advertisers are getting on board because their livelihoods, too, rely
on being seen as holding the “correct” opinion. We’re all under mob
rule. The Federalist, another site on that list, was able to keep their
site funded but only if they removed their comments section entirely. So
not only do they have to change their reporting, but they also have to
silence their readers. You may be thinking that it sounds like they
caved – but you cannot run a large website without revenue unless you’re
independently wealthy and you don’t mind just throwing money down a
well never to be seen again. Most site owners are not in that position. It’s a nerve-wracking time to be in this business. I debated for
several days whether or not to write this article because my head could
be on the chopping block next. My livelihood and that of the people who
work with me are at risk. But if we of the independent media don’t speak up, who will? How can we do nothing while the entire conversation is being taken
over by radical elements with which many Americans do not agree? The
independent media is the last remaining bastion of alternative opinions.
George Orwell wrote these chillingly prophetic words in his novel 1984.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten,
every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has
been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing
day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists
except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” (source)
When we of the independent media are gone, Big Brother is totally in charge of all the information you receive.
Americans can only hold one opinion now.
Americans continue to be silenced or to be bullied out of their jobs
based on who they voted for, forced to affiliate with groups that they
may not actually support, or fall victim to a virtual mob during an internet witch hunt. All because they dare, in America, alleged land of the free, to disagree with an opinion that is treated as fact. You may recall after President Trump was elected how horribly anyone
who voted for him was treated. Heaven forbid a person was to wear a red
MAGA hat in public because to do so was risking a beating. We were
suddenly cast into a world so extreme that our opinions could mean the
difference between life and death in the workplace and on the streets. If you don’t support groups like Antifa or the Occupy movement,
you’re considered a “far-right extremist.” That’s the moniker used to
describe Zero Hedge in most of the news coverage about their defunding. For the record, I’m not even sort of “right.” I don’t support or
endorse either major political party or any extremist groups. I weigh my
opinions based on my personal ethics. Some of them may fall in line
with the left, some may fall in line with the right, but I do not align
myself with any groups. My opinions are entirely my own.
Freedom of speech is one of our most sacred rights in this country.
That includes the freedom for those with differing opinions to speak,
have platforms, and hold some of the microphones. Silencing these
websites through insidiously getting them defunded is anti-American.
I think CNN, for example, has been proven to be exceptionally biased
time and time again, even going so far as to try and swing the last
election for Hillary Clinton. It’s an undisputed fact that they literally colluded with her before the presidential debate. Regardless of that, I don’t think they should be defunded. I think
that they should be able to continue to operate and so should their
opposition. That’s how you have a balance in the media. And balance in the media is how we have balance in our nation.
Here’s what Tucker Carlson had to say about the silencing of Americans.
A few days, Tucker Carlson of Fox News tackled this topic. He’s right – our information is being controlled and it doesn’t
matter if you personally use Google or not. What does matter is this:
Google receives over 63,000 searches per second…which translates into
at least 2 trillion searches per year, 3.8 million searches per minute,
228 million searches per hour, and 5.6 billion searches per day. (source)
That’s a whole lot of people who are getting their opinions from one
company. That’s a whole lot of power. And that power is being misused to
silence opposing points of view. We are at an incredibly dangerous
turning point right now and everything we hold dear about America is at
risk. If you’re looking ahead and the future looks bright, that might be because you’re seeing the country on fire.
It became blatantly obvious to me, that the summer's events starting with the new moon in late May, was all about ONE THING ONLY. REMOVING TRUMP Last December I stated that, the real danger was that satanic cabal would kill the US economy to severely, that Trump, one way or another, would no longer remain President. They would use it as a FINAL card, something that would happen, as the market crash of 1929 ruined any chances for re election back early 1930s. We received a pass from covid round one. I'm not so sure about round two. The entire satanic machine is out to get Trump. And they these criminals have the full backing of state and federal pedophile satanists and Hollywood to back their play. They hate him and his CHRISTIAN WIFE that much.
While massive protests continue to rage across the country (and beyond) in the name of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors admitted during a Friday night interview with CNN that "our goal is to get Trump out." Cullors, who described BLM organizers in 2015 as "trained Marxists," compared Trump to Hitler after refusing to meet with him, and referred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as the Gestapo, told CNN's Jake Tapper (via Breitbart's Josh Caplan):
JAKE TAPPER: I’ve heard a lot of criticism of former
Vice President Joe Biden from civil rights activists. The election,
obviously, will be a choice. How do you think Biden matches up compared
to President Trump when it comes to these issues that are important to
you? PATRISSE CULLORS: Trump not only needs to not be in office in November but he should resign now. Trump needs to be out of office. He is not fit for office. And so what we are going to push for is a move to get Trump out.
While we’re also going to continue to push and pressure vice president
Joe Biden around his policies and relationship to policing and
criminalization. That’s going to be important. But our goal is to get Trump out.
President "Trump not only needs to
not be in office in November but he should resign now," says co-founder
of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Patrisse Cullors. "Trump needs
to be out of office. He is not fit for office."
Was Tucker Carlson right when he said (and was punished with an advertiser walkout from the 'cancel' crew at Sleeping Giants) that Black Lives Matter is now a political party.
"Black [Lives] Matter is more popular by double digits than both the Democratic and Republican parties.
It is almost as popular as the U.S. military. It is much more popular than the pope."@TuckerCarlson warns that the Black Lives Matter movement wields significant influence.
I've eaten both cereals. I never associated black and white people with them..... Only a racist would do that. We boycotted Kellogg's products in our household years ago, because of their GMO everything in the so called food they sell at high prices. They
must be running out of things to bitch about and to destroy. So every
time a black person whines about something they don't like - to mainly
get the camera turned in their direction - the world bends over and
shudders. Whatever
happened to NEVER seeing race, but just taking people one at a time,
and using the experience of what a person presents and offers to the
world as a soul, not as a color? And in CHAZ, they are insisting upon
white slavery, white reparations, and white punishment. Just for being
white. The
black people in this dark movement of evil are far worse than anything
they are complaining about that happened in the past. They kill, murder,
enslave, and openly strike and hate all things NOT BLACK. They have
become the Greater Evil they decry. DB
Via Vox Populi blog, Coco Pops have been a much-loved breakfast staple for decades with one of the most recognisable mascots in TV advertising. But Coco the Monkey has come under suspicion from disgraced former
Labour MP Fiona Onasanya, who has written to Kellogg's asking why they chose that animal to represent the chocolate-flavoured cereal when Rice Krispies uses 'three white boys'.
Ms Onasanya, who was jailed for three months in January 2019 after she was convicted of lying to police about a speeding ticket, says that there is little difference between Coco Pops and sister brand Rice Krispies beyond their colour and flavour. The former Peterborough MP revealed she has emailed Kellogg's UK
office for clarification on why Rice Krispies have 'three white boys' as
a mascot whereas chocolate-flavoured Coco Pops is represented by a
Well, given John Harvey Kellogg
co-founded the Race Betterment Foundation (the Foundation's main purpose
was to study the cause of and cure for "race degeneracy"), it would be
remiss of me not to ask....
@KelloggsUK, as you are yet to
reply to my email - Coco Pops and Rice Krispies have the same
compòsition (except for the fact CP's are brown and chocolate
flavoured)... so I was wondering why Rice Krispies have three white boys
representing the brand and Coco Pops have a monkey?
I wonder what these lunatics are going to do when they find out that some
morning racists are actually "browning" their toast. In their fucked up
world, isn't this the same as appropriating their equally fucked up
culture? Kellogg's, of course, didn't hesitate to cuck on command.
And finally most ironically, as Breitbart reports,most likely unbeknown to racist Onasanya, the Kellogg Foundation is a major funder of left-wing causes, with deep ties to billionaire activist George Soros, giving large donations to Soros’ Open Society Institute.
Do you like living as a slave to HATE WHITEY people? Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, A post that appeared on the subreddit for the Seattle ‘CHAZ’
autonomous zone that has been taken over by left-wing extremists
suggests rounding up all the white people and organizing them into
forced work brigades. That’s right. Some of the very same people protesting against
racism and slavery want to enslave people based on their skin color.
So progressive! The discussion appears to be focused around identifying potential
‘white supremacists’ who are trying to infiltrate CHAZ, a 6 block area
of downtown Seattle occupied by Antifa and BLM supporters after the
police force fled their precinct. The area now seems to have been renamed ‘CHOP’ after some of the
occupiers wanted to send a message to anyone who resisted that their
fate would resemble what happened during the French Revolution when
adversaries were beheaded.
“I can help keep a lookout for them, how do they look like?” asks one
CHAZ occupier. “What are the signs to identify them? I would think
going up to ask them is dangerous.” “Anyone that is white,” says a respondent.
“I genuinely don’t understand why we don’t just round up
all the white people in CHAZ and put them to work tending the crops, and
other such tasks,” responds another CHAZ militant. “Thing would be far more efficient with a large workforce and it
would act as a way of keeping the white menace under control. We can
have an armed supervisor to watch over them as they work so there’s no
risk of any racist backlash.”
Stalin would have been proud! It was previously revealed that BLM occupiers were demanding white people each hand over $10 to their CHAZ comrades as a form of reparations. As we highlight in the video below, CHAZ has quickly descended into
the chaos and violent anarchy we all fully expected, although the media
still ludicrously describes it as peaceful and friendly.
They're shifting the focus from black to
white culprits, such that people stay oblivious to the dreadfulness of
Jewish pluralism, even when it's spitting in their faces.
>how? 1.
Astroturfing "based black guys". Examples are Malcolm X, "Young
Pharaoh" and currently the jogger carrying the Anglo, an event which
might be entirely orchestrated. 2. Overstating Antifa or "Boogaloo" involvement.
>why not focus on Antifa right now? 1.
Why beat a dead horse and take heat off non-whites? As vile as commies
are, MSM already threw them under the bus to paint blacks as peaceful.
It's their talking point we'd be regurgitating, which is rarely smart: 2.
Antifa, in this instance, might be a fed bogeyman precisely to take the
brunt and scapegoat whites (see the "pallet of bricks" hoax). 3. Seeing it pragmatically, Antifa did us a service by making the enemy look worse.
by anonymous Operation Blackpill was not only right, but was an understatement. The
ghouls are already fully unleashed and both legal and illegal invasions
have gone into overdrive already.
the next 5 years In the UK at least the realization that it's over will
begin to cripple the indigenous population and I imagine the "fast
collapse" phase after the "slow decline" will begin as the reality of
the Office of National Statistics demographic data begins to filter down
to the masses post 2021 as they realize the native collapse at 1-2% per
For example by 2030 ~50% of all newborns, 45% of school
children , 30% of the electorate and 162 seats in parliament will be
I imagine this will be the final decline phase and as
the "tipping point" is hit in the 2030s "they" will fully unleash the
brown hordes starting with brown "points based migration" and "climate
refugees" punching into the last indigenous enclaves in the nation.
7 years the majority of the youth and newborn will be invaders in the
UK and most of the political class street shitters and ghouls. We're
like the few remaining latins wittering on about the "glory of Rome"
and post old banners of republican legions in our backwater forums
meanwhile all manner of disgusting barbarians overruns every single major
civic space in the empire because "it's the current year, 476 ad!". In
the coming decade a million ghouls per year will be storming the
borders. There will be no Brazil. It will just be straight to Haiti.
Afrocommunist Ghouls macheting natives in the streets.
10 million Lee Rigbys 10 million Charlene Downes.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine the machete wielding Bantu ghoul twerking on the ashes of civilization, forever.
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. It's happening now as our
monuments are torn down and institutions are Africanized.
And if your brain washing and tissue of lies doesn't take hold? Do we go to a different prison?
The Left is going to force us to genocide them down to the last
communist man, woman and child. Sadly there will be no peace or
cohabitation with them anymore.
Vaccinated minds demand more minds like them, nothing says stupid like mercury, nickel, aluminum and formaldehyde mainlined.
totalitarianism in the name of safety. We need to vaccinate you with
this DNA altering vaccine from multimillionaire, crypto-*** Bill Gates,
who funded the development of Covid-19 at a lab in Wuhan, because it
will keep you safe. We also need to implant this microchip and track all
of your movements through "contact tracing" to keep you safe. We need
to shut down your livelihoods, close up your businesses and lock you in
your homes and away from your friends and families in order to keep you
Okay, now here's the thing..... we're going to have to kill you to keep you safe.
Authored by Mac Slavo via, Are you ready for re-education camps in the United States? Colorado has introduced a bill that would “re-educate” parents who refuse to vaccinate their child with the coronavirus vaccine. The bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations
with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe
it would not be in that child’s best interest. The bill’s current version, however, does not list any sanctions or punishments for medical staff that refuse, according to Life News.
The bill just passed through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to
reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children
(making vaccines mandatory). This bill offers “online education modules”
for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the
state demands.Submitting a “certificate of completion” from the re-education classes is one way to receive the state-sanctioned vaccine exemption. This plandemic was never about health, it was about forcing
everyone to get a vaccine: an injection of whatever the hell the ruling
class decided to put in the vaccine. These vaccines are not being required for the health of anyone unless it’s for the health of Big Pharma and the ruling class.
What happens if the “re-education” fails to convince a person to get the vaccines? It’s hard to say, but these types of concentration camps (and be honest with yourself, you know that’s what they are) should be condemned by
anyone who wishes to be free. This is utterly insane. The limits the
governments are now going to in order to force people to get vaccinated
is unbelievable. But, we knew this was coming. We knew that the coronavirus was a scam to force everyone to take the COVID (certification of vaccine ID) under Agenda 2020. Beware, this could very well be what more religious people are calling “the mark of the Beast”, and
people commenting on this Colorado bill have already made it clear that
“people won’t be able to go to work or school” unless they get the
vaccine. This is the new normal they are conditioning us to accept. This is
why they need martial law. Your chains are about to get much shorter
unless you wake up and start to extract yourself from their system.
There isn’t much time left. The government is not going to help you
out, after all, they are the ones writing the laws while they have the
police and military enforce them at gunpoint. Wake up, or be enslaved.
parents required to learn that vaccines are the LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH
for pro-vaxxer parents' babies who sadistically shovel over 20 vaccines
in their babies?
The vaccine induces an irresistible compulsion for the recipient to
subscribe to cable TeeVee and binge watch shows like Friends, House,
Seinfeld ... until turned into a useful drooling Democrat voter.
Oh, never mind, he doesn't.
He's a black raciss.