Friday, August 11, 2017

From Goolag Shitlackey To MAGA Shitlord: The Transformation Of James Damore

How do you turn a meek nerd into a ZFG shitlord? You deposit his dignity and livelihood in the Leftoid Equalist charnel house and make a martyr of him.
This is the new profile photo James Damore uploaded to his social media. (via):

That’s the steely gaze of a man who has suffered his enemies’ blood lust and lives to visit his vengeance upon them. He carries the pain of WHITE HATE, visited on him by the satanic freaks that control the under 30 set of leftist America.

Damore, for those readers who don’t know, is the Goolag (formerly known as Google) software engineer who wrote a “manifesto” (aka an essay of common sensical observations and associated empirical evidence in support) about the Diversity KKKult that suffocates dissent at tech oligarchies in Silicon Valley.

In sum, he reminded the fungibility cultists that women are different than men, and that this immutable fact of humanity has implications for representation in fields like computer programming that cater to the inborn talents and preferences of men. He said Goolag’s fevered efforts to achieve employee sex and race ratios that spergily align with their ratios in the total US population is a fool’s errand that will inevitably heap miseries and injustices on those who are genuinely good at their jobs and uninterested in helping push the Diversitopia Propaganda and Anti-White Humiliation Protocol.
Damore, a mild-mannered, socially awkward young man, is being transformed by his experience with the Equalism Fuggernaut into a hardened soldier for Truth and Sanity. He is a herald portending the arrival of Generation Zyklon. There will be more like him to come, because deranged power hungry shitlibs with their backs against the wall and their egos on the line will only become more committed to their witch hunts and ritual defamations of real-talkers and honest men.

But as the souls of the Damores of the West are piled high in the purgatory of shitlib animus, stripped of their jobs and voices and made persona non grata to future employers, the hunger for righteous retribution grows stronger among those remaining who are next in line as sacrificial Whites bilked and discarded to placate the shrieking circus freaks demanding surrender to the Lords of Lies and their vision of a deracinated Globohomo Slurry ruled by a rootless disconnected credentialati and merchant class who buy their way out of the consequences of their societally destructive policies.
The Day of Fire and Fury nears.

There’s a disturbance in the farce. It’s White men finding their light sabers again.

 There’s a concept in basketball called the six-point swing. Basically, you miss a three-point shot you should have made, the defense grabs the rebound and quickly makes a three against you. Coulda had 3, wound up giving up 3, equals six point swing. Against a good opponent, you’ll be trying the whole game to make that six points back. Good luck to you if it happens more than once. What’s my point? Damore is a two-person swing. He should have been parroting the (c)left’s ideology, but wound up on the other side instead. Every white male we manage to wake makes us stronger not by one, but by two. They lost an ally and gained an enemy. They’ll have to gain two more just to break even. This is a war that can be won, gentlemen.