Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Monday, March 30, 2015
GOING CLEAR exposing the satanic cult that is scientology.
martial law drill for 8 weeks in 10 states this summer. Remember the martial declared 2 summers ago that evicted 4 million people at gunpoint for (here's that satanic date line again) 6 1/2 weeks? This is far bigger and includes big medium and small cities
The code name for this Martial Law dry run is JADE HELM.
welcome to what the Russians and germans used to have. Soldiers with guns on street corners in most major cities of America.
This isn't an exercise, it's martial law.
welcome to what the Russians and germans used to have. Soldiers with guns on street corners in most major cities of America.
This isn't an exercise, it's martial law.

Sunday, March 29, 2015
In-Q-Tel of Arlington, Virginia, United States is a not-for-profit venture capital firm that invests in high-tech companies for the sole purpose of keeping the Central Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies, equipped with the latest in information technology in support of United States intelligence capability.
Many companies listed on In-Q-Tel's investment website page[10] are secret. In-Q-Tel functions partially in public; however, what products it has and how they are used is strictly secret.[9] According to the Washington Post, "virtually any U.S. entrepreneur, inventor or research scientist working on ways to analyze data has probably received a phone call from In-Q-Tel or at least been Googled by its staff of technology-watchers."[9]Software
Saturday, March 28, 2015
The Only Truly Compliant, Submissive Citizen in a Police State Is a Dead One
By John W. Whitehead
March 24, 2015
“Do exactly what I say, and we'll get along fine. Do not question me or talk back in any way. You do not have the right to object to anything I may say or ask you to do, or ask for clarification if my demands are unclear or contradictory. You must obey me under all circumstances without hesitation, no matter how arbitrary, unreasonable, discriminatory, or blatantly racist my commands may be. Anything other than immediate perfect servile compliance will be labeled as resisting arrest, and expose you to the possibility of a violent reaction from me. That reaction could cause you severe injury or even death. And I will suffer no consequences. It's your choice: Comply, or die.”— “‘Comply or Die’ policing must stop,” Daily KOSAmericans as young as 4 years old are being leg shackled, handcuffed, tasered and held at gun point for not being quiet, not being orderly and just being childlike—i.e., not being compliant enough.
Americans as old as 95 are being beaten, shot and killed for questioning an order, hesitating in the face of a directive, and mistaking a policeman crashing through their door for a criminal breaking into their home—i.e., not being submissive enough.
And Americans of every age and skin color are being taught the painful lesson that the only truly compliant, submissive and obedient citizen in a police state is a dead one.
It doesn’t matter where you live—big city or small town—it’s the same scenario being played out over and over again in which government agents, hyped up on their own authority and the power of their uniform, ride roughshod over the rights of the citizenry. In turn, Americans are being brainwashed into believing that anyone who wears a government uniform—soldier, police officer, prison guard—must be obeyed without question.
Franklin Graham, the heir to Billy Graham’s evangelical empire, offered up this “simple” piece of advice for “Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and everybody else” hoping to survive an encounter with the police:
Most police shootings can be avoided. It comes down to respect for authority and obedience. If a police officer tells you to stop, you stop. If a police officer tells you to put your hands in the air, you put your hands in the air. If a police officer tells you to lay down face first with your hands behind your back, you lay down face first with your hands behind your back. It’s as simple as that. Even if you think the police officer is wrong—YOU OBEY.Clearly, Graham’s message resonated with a core group of Americans: almost 200,000 individuals “liked” the message on Facebook, with an astounding 83,000 fans sharing his words of advice with their own friends, none of whom seem to recall that Jesus Christ, whom they claim to follow and model their lives after, not only stood up to the police state of his day but was put to death for it.
It’s not just mainstream evangelicals who have been brainwashed into believing that a good citizen is a compliant citizen and that obedience will save us from the police state. In the wake of a grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer responsible for the choking death of Eric Garner, Patrick Lynch, president of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, declared:
“We have to teach our children, our sons and our daughters, no matter what they look like, to respect New York City police officers, teach them to comply with New York City police officers even if they think it’s unjust.”Similarly, Officer Sunil Dutta of the Los Angeles Police Department advises:
“If you don't want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you. Don't argue with me, don't call me names, don't tell me that I can't stop you, don't say I'm a racist pig, don't threaten that you'll sue me and take away my badge. Don't scream at me that you pay my salary, and don't even think of aggressively walking towards me.”In other words, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the right, it doesn’t matter if a cop is in the wrong, it doesn’t matter if you’re being treated with less than the respect you deserve. If you want to emerge from a police encounter with your life and body intact, then you’d better comply, submit, obey orders, respect authority and generally do whatever a cop tells you to do.
In this way, the old police motto to “protect and serve” has become “comply or die.” As I point out in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State and in my forthcoming book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this is the unfortunate, misguided, perverse message being beaten, shot, tasered and slammed into our collective consciousness, and it is regrettably starting to take root.
Despite the growing number of criminal charges (ranging from resisting arrest and interference to disorderly conduct, obstruction, and failure to obey a police order) that get trotted out anytime a citizen voices discontent with the government or challenges or even questions the authority of the powers that be, the problems we’re experiencing in terms of police shootings have little to do with rebellion or belligerence or resistance.
Rather, the problem arises when compliance doesn’t happen fast enough to suit the police.
For instance, 15-year-old Jamar Nicholson was shot in the back by police after they spotted him standing next to a friend holding a toy gun. “Officers ordered the boy to drop the weapon multiple times,” reports the Los Angeles Times. “When he didn’t comply, one of the officers opened fire.”
Martese Johnson, a 20-year-old college student, unarmed and in the process of walking away from a bar where he’d just been denied entry for being underage, was tackled by police and had his head slammed to the ground and bloodied, allegedly for being intoxicated, belligerent and using a fake ID. Johnson, who it turns out was polite, had a legal ID and was not drunk, survived the encounter after 10 stitches to his head.
And then there was Christopher Lollie, who was tasered, arrested and charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and obstruction of the legal process for refusing to identify himself to police while waiting to pick his children up from their daycare. Footage of the encounter shows Lollie asking, “Why do I have to let you know who I am? I don’t have to let you know who I am if I haven’t broken any laws.” The charges against Lollie were eventually dropped.
Nicholson, Johnson and Lollie aren’t the only Americans being taught a hard lesson about compliance at the end of a government-issued gun.
World War II veteran John Wrana, 95 years old, dependent on a walker to get around, and a resident of an assisted living center, was rushed by five police officers—one with a Taser and riot shield, others with handguns and a 12-gauge Mossberg pump shotgun—after refusing treatment for a urinary tract infection and brandishing a shoehorn. One of the officers, allegedly fearing for his safety, fired multiple beanbag rounds at Wrana at close range, who bled to death from internal injuries.
James Howard Allen, 74 years old and recovering at home from a surgery, was shot and killed by police who were asked by family members to do a welfare check on him. When police crashed through the man’s back door, they found Allen, perhaps having just awoken and fearing a burglary, armed with a gun.
These shootings and deaths, and many more like them, constitute a drop in the proverbial bucket when it comes to police killing unarmed American citizens, and yet you’d be hard-pressed to find exact numbers for how many unarmed citizens are killed by police every year. Indeed, while police go to great lengths to document how many police are killed in the line of duty, police agencies aren’t actually required to report the number of times police officers engage in homicide. Suffice it to say, however, that the numbers are significantly underreported.
One website estimates that police kill on average three citizens a day in the United States. In 2014, 1100 individuals were killed by police in the U.S. That’s 70 times more than other first-world nations, and almost 20 times more than the number of U.S. troops killed in the same year in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Rarely are these officers given more than a slap on the wrist. More often than not, they operate with impunity, are shielded from justice by the governmental bureaucracy, and are granted qualified immunity by the courts.
A recent report by the Justice Department on police shootings in Philadelphia, which boasts the fourth largest police department in the country, found that half of the unarmed people shot by police over a seven-year span were “shot because the officer saw something (like a cellphone) or some action (like a person pulling at the waist of their pants) and misidentified it as a threat.”
Now it’s one thing for those who back the police—no matter what the circumstance—to insist that if you just obey a police officer, you’ll be safe. But what happens when compliance isn’t enough?
What happens if you play it safe, comply and do whatever a police officer tells you to do, don’t talk back, don’t threaten, and don’t walk away—in other words, don’t do anything that even hints at resistance—and still, you find yourself staring down the wrong end of a government agent’s gun? After all, the news is riddled with reports of individuals who didn’t resist when confronted by police and still got tasered, tackled or shot simply because they looked at police in a threatening manner or moved in a way that made an officer “fear” for his safety.
For instance, Levar Jones, pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt, was shot after complying with a police officer’s order to retrieve his license. The trooper justified his shooting of the unarmed man by insisting that Jones reached for his license “aggressively.”
What more could Jones or anyone have done to protect himself in that situation? How does a citizen protect himself against a police officer’s tendency to shoot first and ask questions later, oftentimes based only on their highly subjective “feeling” of being threatened?
The short answer is you can’t.
The assurance of safety in exchange for compliance is a false, misguided doctrine that has us headed towards a totalitarian regime the likes of which the world has seen before.
Rest assured, if we just cower before government agents and meekly obey, we’ll find ourselves repeating history. However, history also shows us a different path, one that involves standing up and speaking truth to power. Jesus Christ walked that road. So did Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless other freedom fighters whose actions changed the course of history.
Indeed, had Christ merely complied with the Roman police state, there would have been no crucifixion and no Christian religion. Had Gandhi meekly fallen in line with the British Empire’s dictates, the Indian people would never have won their independence. Had Martin Luther King Jr. obeyed the laws of his day, there would have been no civil rights movement. And if the founding fathers had marched in lockstep with royal decrees, there would have been no American Revolution.
The long answer, therefore, is that we must adopt a different mindset and follow a different path if we are to alter the outcome of these interactions with police.
No matter what path you follow, it will be fraught with peril. America is in the midst of a nervous breakdown, brought about by prolonged exposure to the American police state, and there are few places that are safe anymore.
A good test is this: if you live in a community that has welcomed the trappings of the police state with open arms (surveillance cameras, forced DNA extractions, Stingray devices, red light cameras, private prisons, etc.), all the while allowing its police forces to militarize, weaponize and operate beyond the reach of the Constitution, then you don’t live in a democratic republic—you live in a microcosm of the American police state.
If you have no real say in how your local law enforcement operates, if the only oversight of police actions is carried out by fellow officers, if any attempt to criticize the police is edited out or not covered by your local newspaper or TV station, drowned out by your fellow citizens, or intimidated into silence by your local police, then you have no recourse when it comes to police abuses.
Finally, if, despite having done nothing wrong, you feel nervous during a police encounter, you fear doing or saying the wrong thing in front of an officer will get you shot, and your local police dress and act like extensions of the military and treat you like a suspect, then it’s safe to say that you are not the one holding the upper hand in the master-servant relationship anymore.
This is the death rattle of the American dream, which was built on the idea that no one is above the law, that our rights are inalienable and cannot be taken away, and that our government and its appointed agents exist to serve us.
WC: 2229
Leave Facebook if you don't want to be spied on, w...
World Of Technology: Leave Facebook if you don't want to be spied on, w...: The European Commission has warned EU citizens that they should close their Facebook accounts if they want to keep information private fr...
Electric Cars Are Doing More Harm Than Good" Professor Warns (the whole "green" movement has been one big carbon taxing, freedom restricting con from day one) this is why TESLA MOTORS, even though they sell a car that only the rich can afford, costs a fortune to charge up, and leaves you stranded often as not, and also, without heavy government subsidies, would have been bankrupt out of the gate, has stock that sells above $35 a share
As CBC reports, trying to go green by replacing your gas guzzler with an electric car? In some provinces, that may actually be worse for the environment, a University of Toronto researcher says.
In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia, electric cars generate more carbon over their lifetimes than gas-powered cars, said Chris Kennedy, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Toronto, in an interview with CBC's The Current Tuesday.
That's because those provinces generate much of their electricity by burning coal, so consuming more electricity – by charging your electric car battery, for instance – significantly boosts carbon emissions.
"So… literally, if you're living in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Nova Scotia, an electric car does not make you green?" asked Anna Maria Tremonti, host of The Current. "You're better off filling up at the pump?"
"You're better off filling up at the pump," Kennedy agreed. "Or if you really want to go for something greener, you should be buying a conventional hybrid car."
However, in the rest of Canada, driving an electric car is the greener choice, he found.
He figured that out by looking at the carbon emissions generated by gas and electric cars over their entire life cycle, taking into account the source of electricity used to charge their batteries and how the gas used to fuel a conventional car is produced in different parts of the world.
The carbon emissions from electricity generation are measured in tonnes of CO2 emitted per gigawatt hour of electricity produced. That ranges from:
For a given country or province, if average emissions were under 600 tonnes of CO2 per gigawatt hour, then switching from conventional to electric cars, buses and trucks will lead to a reduction in carbon emissions, Kennedy reported in a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change earlier this month.
- Close to 0 for hydroelectric, nuclear and renewable energy.
- 500 to 600 for natural gas power plants.
- 1,000 for coal-fired power plants.
In some Canadian provinces, that reduction in emissions can be quite dramatic – B.C., Quebec, Manitoba, and Newfoundland all produce less than 20 tonnes of CO2 per gigawatt hour of electricity, so driving an electric car can reduce emissions to close to zero.
Ultimately, however, the study's goal isn't to help consumers make decisions about what car to buy, Kennedy said.
The take-home message is actually for governments in some Canadian provinces and other countries: That they need to get their average emissions below the 600-tonne threshold so they can benefit from technology like electric cars.
"Electrification," he said, "is the most pivotal strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide."
Friday, March 27, 2015
No Need For Gas Chambers When Vaccines Will Do The...
MessiahMews Blogs: No Need For Gas Chambers When Vaccines Will Do The...: For all those that think vaccines and p HARM a pills will cure your ills, then you have a death wish. Please quit being ignorant already. ...
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Apollo Lunar Lander on the moon, right...this is a spacecraft. Actual NASA photo.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
San Francisco Church Sprays Homeless People with Water to Keep Them Away
Catholic diocese dispensing compassion as well as buggering young boys.
Of all the institutions you’d hope to take a different stance toward the weak and struggling, places of worship would be at the top of the list. Not so for Saint Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco, which admittedly sprays sleeping homeless people with water in order to keep them away.
Of all the institutions you’d hope to take a different stance toward the weak and struggling, places of worship would be at the top of the list. Not so for Saint Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco, which admittedly sprays sleeping homeless people with water in order to keep them away.
![]() |
Serving the beast, but never the needy or poor |
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Raining yet again in Ojai Calif
So with all these rain storms here and in the Sierras, why all the lies about "drought" in California? We get rain every week, often several inches and since October.\
well over 23 inches in Southern California in a six month period.\
Yet they still sell the drought meme.
Because they want to close down private wells and put every person on the grid, paying for FLUORIDATED, POISONED WATER. Private wells have clean, FREE water... City water is pure poison.
well over 23 inches in Southern California in a six month period.\
Yet they still sell the drought meme.
Because they want to close down private wells and put every person on the grid, paying for FLUORIDATED, POISONED WATER. Private wells have clean, FREE water... City water is pure poison.
Rain every 10 or so days since October 2014 |
Law Enforcement Freaks Out Over Apple & Google's Decision To Encrypt Phone Info By Default
Last week, we noted that it was good news to see both Apple and Google highlight plans to encrypt certain phone information by default on new versions of their mobile operating systems, making that information no longer obtainable by those companies and, by extension, governments and law enforcement showing up with warrants and court orders. Having giant tech companies competing on how well they protect your privacy? That's new... and awesome. Except, of course, if you're law enforcement. In those cases, these announcements are apparently cause for a general freakout about how we're all going to die. From the Wall Street Journal:
No one has any proactive obligation to make life easier for law enforcement.
Orin Kerr, who regularly writes on privacy, technology and "cybercrime" issues, announced that he was troubled by this move, though he later downgraded his concerns to "more information needed." His initial argument was that since the only thing these moves appeared to do was keep out law enforcement, he couldn't see how it was helpful:
Perhaps the best response (which covers everything I was going to say before I spotted this) comes from Mark Draughn, who details "the dangerous thinking" by those like Kerr who are concerned about this. He covers the issue above about how any vulnerability left by Apple or Google is a vulnerability open to being exploited, but then makes a further (and more important) point: this isn't about them, it's about us and protecting our privacy:
One Justice Department official said that if the new systems work as advertised, they will make it harder, if not impossible, to solve some cases. Another said the companies have promised customers "the equivalent of a house that can't be searched, or a car trunk that could never be opened.''That Hosko guy apparently gets around. Here he is freaking out in the Washington Post as well:
Andrew Weissmann, a former Federal Bureau of Investigation general counsel, called Apple's announcement outrageous, because even a judge's decision that there is probable cause to suspect a crime has been committed won't get Apple to help retrieve potential evidence. Apple is "announcing to criminals, 'use this,' " he said. "You could have people who are defrauded, threatened, or even at the extreme, terrorists using it.''
The level of privacy described by Apple and Google is "wonderful until it's your kid who is kidnapped and being abused, and because of the technology, we can't get to them,'' said Ronald Hosko, who left the FBI earlier this year as the head of its criminal-investigations division. "Who's going to get lost because of this, and we're not going to crack the case?"
Ronald T. Hosko, the former head of the FBI’s criminal investigative division, called the move by Apple “problematic,” saying it will contribute to the steady decrease of law enforcement’s ability to collect key evidence — to solve crimes and prevent them. The agency long has publicly worried about the “going dark” problem, in which the rising use of encryption across a range of services has undermined government’s ability to conduct surveillance, even when it is legally authorized.Think of the children! And the children killed by terrorists! And just be afraid! Of course, this is the usual refrain any time there's more privacy added to products, or when laws are changed to better protect privacy. And it's almost always bogus. I'm reminded of all the fretting and worries by law enforcement types about how "free WiFi" and Tor would mean that criminals could get away with all sorts of stuff. Except, as we've seen, good old fashioned police/detective work can still let them track down criminals. The information on the phone is not the only evidence, and criminals almost always leave other trails of information.
“Our ability to act on data that does exist . . . is critical to our success,” Hosko said. He suggested that it would take a major event, such as a terrorist attack, to cause the pendulum to swing back toward giving authorities access to a broad range of digital information.
No one has any proactive obligation to make life easier for law enforcement.
Orin Kerr, who regularly writes on privacy, technology and "cybercrime" issues, announced that he was troubled by this move, though he later downgraded his concerns to "more information needed." His initial argument was that since the only thing these moves appeared to do was keep out law enforcement, he couldn't see how it was helpful:
If I understand how it works, the only time the new design matters is when the government has a search warrant, signed by a judge, based on a finding of probable cause. Under the old operating system, Apple could execute a lawful warrant and give law enforcement the data on the phone. Under the new operating system, that warrant is a nullity. It’s just a nice piece of paper with a judge’s signature. Because Apple demands a warrant to decrypt a phone when it is capable of doing so, the only time Apple’s inability to do that makes a difference is when the government has a valid warrant. The policy switch doesn’t stop hackers, trespassers, or rogue agents. It only stops lawful investigations with lawful warrants.His "downgraded" concern comes after many people pointed out that by leaving backdoors in its technology, Apple (and others) are also leaving open security vulnerabilities for others to exploit. He says he was under the impression that the backdoors required physical access to the phones in question, but if there were remote capabilities, perhaps Apple's move is more reasonable.
Apple’s design change one it is legally authorized to make, to be clear. Apple can’t intentionally obstruct justice in a specific case, but it is generally up to Apple to design its operating system as it pleases. So it’s lawful on Apple’s part. But here’s the question to consider: How is the public interest served by a policy that only thwarts lawful search warrants?
Perhaps the best response (which covers everything I was going to say before I spotted this) comes from Mark Draughn, who details "the dangerous thinking" by those like Kerr who are concerned about this. He covers the issue above about how any vulnerability left by Apple or Google is a vulnerability open to being exploited, but then makes a further (and more important) point: this isn't about them, it's about us and protecting our privacy:
You know what? I don’t give a damn what Apple thinks. Or their general counsel. The data stored on my phone isn’t encrypted because Apple wants it encrypted. It’s encrypted because I want it encrypted. I chose this phone, and I chose to use an operating system that encrypts my data. The reason Apple can’t decrypt my data is because I installed an operating system that doesn’t allow them to.Furthermore, he notes that nothing Apple and Google are doing now on phones is any different than tons of software for desktop/laptop computers:
I’m writing this post on a couple of my computers that run versions of Microsoft Windows. Unsurprisingly, Apple can’t decrypt the data on these computers either. That this operating system software is from Microsoft rather than Apple is beside the point. The fact is that Apple can’t decrypt the data on these computers is because I’ve chosen to use software that doesn’t allow them to. The same would be true if I was posting from my iPhone. That Apple wrote the software doesn’t change my decision to encrypt.
I’ve been using the encryption features in Microsoft Windows for years, and Microsoft makes it very clear that if I lose the pass code for my data, not even Microsoft can recover it. I created the encryption key, which is only stored on my computer, and I created the password that protects the key, which is only stored in my brain. Anyone that needs data on my computer has to go through me. (Actually, the practical implementation of this system has a few cracks, so it’s not quite that secure, but I don’t think that affects my argument. Neither does the possibility that the NSA has secretly compromised the algorithm.)In short, he points out, the choice of encrypting our data is ours to make. Apple or Google offering us yet another set of tools to do that sort of encryption is them offering a service that many users value. And shouldn't that be the primary reason why they're doing stuff, rather than benefiting the desires of FUD-spewing law enforcement folks?
Microsoft is not the only player in Windows encryption. Symantec offers various encryption products, and there are off-brand tools like DiskCryptor and TrueCrypt (if it ever really comes back to life). You could also switch to Linux, which has several distributions that include whole-disk encryption. You can also find software to encrypt individual documents and databases.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Monday, March 9, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Solar Eclipse on a witches sabbat (satanists love any action that blocks sunlight)
That's why their "witching hour" is at midnight, when the sun's light and energy is farthest away and on the other side of the planet. Whenever the satanists get alignments of magnitude, they go all out with special celebrations and HUMAN SACRIFICE.
Wireless Charging: A Surprising New Way To Track You
We don’t normally think of charging our phones as a two-way street.
Plug in your device and you get energy, end of story. The most you’ll pay is a few more dimes on your electricity bill, and that’s if you’re at home.
But in a public space like an airport or cafe where free, wireless charging stations are now being set up by Powermat, the price will be a little bit of your data.
Powermat is one of the leading vendors of wireless charging technology. Last year it struck a deal with Starbucks Starbucks to install its charging stations inside the company’s coffee shops across the United States and in the U.K.
So far 200 Starbucks outlets in San Francisco and 10 in London, UK have tables with between 10 and 20 wireless charging circles built in. Powermat installs them in the middle of night, drilling into the tables with a special tool and making the Gorilla-glass charging surface flush with the wood, so that you can slide a cup of coffee over without spilling it.
So far, customers love it. “People go in and just charge even though they are at 50%,” says Thorsten Heins, who was made CEO of Powermat last November after a seven-year stint leading BlackBerry. (He still carries around a BlackBerry Passport in a brown leather case. “It was the last phone I designed!” he explains, grinning.)
Powermat has charging stations in Madison Square Gardens, McDonald’s outlets and more to come.
Wireless charging has been slow to come to market because the trio of consortiums who develop it have three, competing standards. The Power Matters Alliance, which is behind Powermat, uses PMA; the Alliance for Wireless Power uses a standard called Rezone; and the Wireless Power Consortium uses Qi (pronounced chee).
You may have heard of Qi already because Ikea made a big announcement about it this week: It’s selling furniture with wireless charging capabilities built in, supporting Qi.
Powermat wants to do more than just sell its technology to other companies like Ikea. One of the main ways Powermat’s standard is different from the others is that it transfers not just energy but device data, and that’s an important business opportunity for Powermat. It means it can sell to coffee chains like Starbucks who have recurring customers who they can increasingly track and engage with through apps, WiFi and now electricity itself.
“These charging spots on the table, they’re connected to a data management service layer,” Heins explains. “The venue owner can see where people sit, how long they stay and how often they come back. The next layer will help the venue increase revenue.”
Heins describe’s Powermat’s technology as a platform for data analytics that customers like Starbucks — which he calls “venues” — can use over time. “What we do with this intelligence and which business models… that depends on the partnership between the venues and us.”
Heins says Powermat is hiring people with cloud management and data analytics expertise to lay the groundwork for a more comprehensive intelligence service.
Right now, Starbucks can only see how many charging stations are being used, and how often the customers that use them are coming back, but that information could be enhanced over time as Powermat develops its data management service layer.
There are two ways Starbucks customers can charge their phones wirelessly: one is to already have the Samsung Galaxy S6, which is compatible with all wireless charging standards including Powermat’s PMA standard.
Another is to spend 10 bucks on a plastic Powermat ring, essentially a wireless charging dongle that plugs into an iPhone or several other Android devices to make them compatible with the charging standard too.
The Powermat ring seen below has an RxID number (an identifier specifically for wireless charging) that Starbucks can track and communicate with through Powermat’s software, while the Galaxy S6 also has an RxID inside its chipset.
Starbucks wouldn’t be able to identify a customer’s name, but it could use that information to see how often customers come back for a better view on peak times for revenue. Once Starbucks can identify a recurring customer, they could for instance send them a digital voucher, suggests Heins. “If I know you’ve been here five times, I can use WiFi to send you a coupon.”
Starbucks has been offering customers free Wi-Fi since 2010, but it’s unclear how much it can use that alone to track which customers are returning to a store. Typically a WiFi router assigns your mobile device a dynamic IP address, which changes each time you start a new session. With Powermat’s wireless charging technology, that ID would remain static.
The best thing Starbucks has right now for tracking customers is its loyalty cards. About a quarter of all the company’s sales come via loyalty cards, according to a report in AdAge which cited Starbucks’ analytics head Joe LaCugna’s remarks at a Big Data conference last year.
Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz is said to be uninterested in data collection about customers, but LaCugna revealed that the company had profiled half its 6 million registered card customers. “We know who you are,” he said. “We know how you’re different from others.”
Friday, March 6, 2015
Americans Not In The Labor Force Rise To Record 92.9 Million As Participation Rate Declines Again (larger numbers than in the GREAT DEPRESSION)
For those (very few now, with even the Fed admitting the unemployment
rate has become a meaningless, anachronistic relic) still wondering why
the unemployment rate dropped once again, sliding from 5.7% to 5.5%,
the reason is that while the number of unemployed Americans dropped by
274K thousand while those employed rose by 96K, the underlying math is
that the civilian labor force dropped from 157,180 to 157,002 (following
the major revisions posted last month), while the people not in the
labor force rose by 354,000 in February, rising to a record
92,898,000 (people who currently want a job rose to 6,538K) matching the
all time high number of Americans not in the labor force.
End result: the labor force participation rate dropped once more, declining to only 62.8%, which as the chart below shows is just off the lowest print recorded since 1978.

Source: BLS
End result: the labor force participation rate dropped once more, declining to only 62.8%, which as the chart below shows is just off the lowest print recorded since 1978.

Source: BLS
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Another 1/2" of rain in Ojai, CA...
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
Every 7 to 10 days since Halloween....
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