Friday, June 28, 2024

king edward is now black changing history

 When you want to erase white history and replace it with lies, you make movies, so that those who have never had a history class in their LIFE, will believe whatever the TV tells them to believe.

A lot of blacks are going to turn to anyone nearby and say,

"sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit...I tol U we wuz kangs and sheit."

Apparently, in merry old England, the king liked flipping the bird to his subjects.

So, red haired, white skin Anne is now an angry black woman?

From the internet

This is the goal. In a couple decades you'll look up any historic figure and you'll get results back that show a black in the role. It'll be from some streaming show slop or an AI image and won't be true in the slightest, but by that point people will have been fed so much bullshit they'll believe it. How many normies are going to remember more than the first thing they saw about King Edward? They'll remember they saw a Google image of him being a black so he must have been. Propaganda and brainwashing at work. It's funny that we have to gaslight the population into believing that blacks are functional, capable creatures, when the reality is what we see when they gather in public, in our time.