Friday, September 20, 2024

gun stores in Springfield, Ohio sell guns to Haitian illegals

 And not being shut down, when they do exactly that when there is even the slightest of errors in the paperwork when it's white people?

Proves the government is hand maidens to the jewbie beast system. Let our killers in and arm them, every time. Now you know where they get the guns.

Rabbi creates his very own synagogue hate crime 

Cal Fire firefighter arrested for allegedly starting 5 North Bay fires

 What I've been saying. It's the firemen. Must've gone off the reservation and didn't stick to the area death plan.



"SAN FRANCISCO -- A Cal Fire firefighter was arrested Friday for allegedly igniting five fires in the North Bay in recent weeks when he was off duty.

At 8 a.m. Friday, Cal Fire law enforcement officers arrested the 38-year-old Healdsburg resident at the agency's Howard Forest station in Mendocino County on suspicion of arson to forest land in the areas surrounding Geyserville, Healdsburg, and Windsor.

Fire officials believe he, a fire apparatus engineer, ignited the Alexander Fire on Aug. 15, the Windsor River Road Fire on Sept. 8, the Geysers Fire on Sept. 12, and the Geyser and Kinley fires on Sept. 14.

He will be booked into Sonoma County Jail on suspicion of arson to forest land.

"I am appalled to learn one of our employees would violate the public's trust and attempt to tarnish the tireless work of the 12,000 women and men of Cal Fire,", Director/Fire Chief Joe Tyler said in a statement.

The agency thanked residents of the affected communities for their vigilance and information that helped in the apprehension of the suspect.



Lithium batteries explode when targeted with microwaves (triangulated antennae)

"An easy way to visualize this technique is to imagine ripples, caused by dropping several small pebbles into a lake at slightly different locations and times. If done precisely, the peaks of the ripples would all combine at one location. While at other locations, the peak from one ripple would combine with the trough of another, thereby canceling each other. In a similar manner, the EM radiation (electromagnetic waves) from multiple BTS sites could be synchronized to create a large effect at one particular location. When combined with GPS (global positioning satellites), targeting would be very precise. In practical terms, an agent provocateur (CIA, NSA, or DIA - take your choice) would use a computer equipped with a modem or internet connection to access a special phone number, then enter the target coordinates. The Cell Phone network would be reprogrammed to bring all DSP's of BTS sites near the target location into synchronized phase with each other, and to transmit in a single narrow frequency spectrum, thereby allowing up to 200,000 watts (see 1.1.4 above) of microwave radiation to be targeted at the unsuspecting victim. Optimally, this would take place between 11:00PM and 5:00AM because the Cell Phone Network call traffic is minimal during these hours.

A further refinement of targeting capabilities took place in 2002, when Lucent Technologies announced "per-user intelligent antenna processing". With this technique, and I quote:

The base station sends a separate, dedicated, narrower beam to each active user, which adaptively follows them as they move through the base station's coverage area.

In other words, a BTS site equipped with this technology can focus a narrow "beam" of microwave energy at a particular cell phone, and will "follow" that cell phone as it moves from one location to another."


If it happens by accident, it happens way worse when done on purpose:


Now you know why the push away from analog and into digital lithium. As I've been saying for 15 years. Not explosives, just lithium batteries. 

Kammywhore proudly explains how she can destroy people’s lives with just “a swipe of her pen.” And then laughs about it.