Sunday, August 4, 2024

The CIA lead in the paint scam

 That whole lead in the paint thing was a scam. They did that scam because lead blocked microwave and high frequency signals, that they wanted to use against the people and to use in their assets as walking wireless spies. I remember them running those ads in the early 70s, with black babies eating paint chips.

No one in their life had ever seen a baby eating peeling paint, it tastes awful and a baby's gag reflex stops that. Best they could get was to stage a scene with a baby holding a paint chip they put in its hands.

Lead blocks most frequencies, except AM, amplitude modulation.

This all came out in the Church hearings and in declass from the late 1990s. Ex intel types all talked about it, back when we had real internet. Not this truncated, stripped down, woke shite, the jewbies did with Gooogle.