Monday, June 3, 2024

The United States of Israel - entire US congress 2024

This is why, since the 1960s, our country has become a wasteland of shite. 

  • Our entire food supply is poisoned;
  • The freedom I grew up with is a distant, long gone memory;
  • Our women are sluts and whores;
  • Whites need not apply is on every door;
  • DIE is killing the land;
  • Scientism of lies has replaced reality;
  • Christianity is outlawed in the main;
  • The minds of the young are miserable, stunted messes of wokeness;
  • Predators and pedophiles roam EVERYWHERE and are quickly released back into the population to do it again;
  • Our military's top generals are jewish;
  • Our entire government no longer represents the people, only Israel;
  • Law comment, we all know;
  • This list would take a mile to flesh out.