Wednesday, December 7, 2022

In Gratitude for all



This last full moon in Ojai marks the end of my stay in this most amazing/strange/spiritual little valley. It's hard to type these words of farewell. I have both a deep and abiding love for the home allowed me these last 9+ years here, as well as an understanding - here more than anywhere - of the battle between good and evil, as it plays out for the last time on the stage of the world. I shall miss it, dearly.

I've always said that everything is of a time; and that time will come to an end.

I go to oblivion.

The mountains around Tehachapi, Calif. There is nothing there, save the barest of services to meet the various mountain communities that ring the place. Everything organic or even regarding a hardware store, is at least 1.5 hour drive at 70mph. Everything. It's the mountain range that separates the San Joaquin Valley from the Los Angeles Basin.

I shall miss my home and little valley of Ojai more than any other in my life. Every good thing that could happen to a soul, happened to me here. All my best memories and events with Dad and Yesh, happened here, over the years. Starting in 1987.

And I am and always will be, very grateful.

Thank you Dad.

And thanks to all that helped keep this tiny ship afloat all these long years.


Dad's Cathedral, as seen from my front parlor.