Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The globohomo view for vax droids




If an American citizen questions the 2020 or 2018 elections, they are considered a terrorist.

The moment a soldier is no longer active duty, they are a terrorist.

If you question Covid or any other narrative, you are a terrorist.

If you question the fact the progressives "anti-white" SJW\CRT behavior is a felony you are a terrorist.

If you question the Steele Dossier Conspiracy theory or the Trump Pee-Pee Tapes Conspiracy Theory or the Jan 6th, 2021 Conspiracy Theory you are considered a terrorist.

If you question any Democrat or News Outlet or Pharmaceutical company, you are a terrorist.

If you do your own research, you are a terrorist.

If you do not support Israel or Islam or LGBTQ+ or the legal defintion of domestic terrorism of BLM\Antifa and their funneling money into the DNC via "donations" and the fact BLM is an NPO that cannot give an accurate account of how its funds are spent.... that's right you are a terrorist.

In America we have to believe every single thing the White House says otherwise they will call us a terrorist.

The DOD\DHS stopped defending the borders and the infrastructure and fires soldiers who don't want a jab from untested pharmaceuticals, but we the people are the terrorists.

The taliban was given $90B USD, and Mark Millet and SecDef Austin were laughing about, Mark Milley gave intel to China... but we, the people are terrorists if we question any of those decisions or mandates.

If you question NATO, then you are a terrorist.
If you are unhappy about gas prices and don't own an electric car, you are a terrorist.

If you question what a terrorist is and realize you don't fit the legal definition of a terrorist, you are a terrorist.

If you don't discriminate against white people\ Christians\males you are a terrorist.